Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Well, then, let's hear from someone willing to dispute them

Allahpundit at Hot Air says there have been three phases to the regime's reaction to the charges of desertion by those who served with Bergdahl:  being caught off-guard, desperately trying to find someone with the opposite narrative - which hasn't borne any fruit thus far - and now, accusing his squad of "swift boating."

Start discrediting the soldiers who’ve accused him. It’ll have to be done subtly and tactfully. If they go dumpster-diving on these guys for things like substance-abuse problems or financial trouble, the nastiness of it might backfire on the White House and make their Bergdahl problem even worse. Babbling about “swift-boating” is a good way to get the ball rolling, at least among liberals who are grasping for ways to defend Obama and have come up empty thus far. “Swift-boating” implies that the vets who’ve accused Bergdahl have some political motivation in doing so; it’s of a piece with that BuzzFeed story yesterday hyperventilating about Republican Ric Grenell helping Bergdahl’s comrades get in touch with media outlets. The point is to suggest that this is some sort of dirty trick, maybe even invented whole cloth by nefarious conservatives to wound the president, rather than a bunch of guys who’ve spent five years boiling inside because their friends got killed on patrol searching for Bergdahl finally choosing to come clean. To protect a guy who allegedly served dishonorably, the White House and the left now have no choice but to go after the honorable ones.

Watch for this one to gain traction in the Freedom-Hater world.  Indeed, Van Jones is already saying the deserter charges are a "Republican-orchestrated smear campaign."   Jones does give the obligatory nod to the inescapable fact that there is much still to learn about the details of Bergdahl's service, post-leaving and time in jihadist custody.  Michael Tomasky at the Daily Beast makes it the gist of his own attack on "Republicans" (and I put that term in quotes, just like he puts the term "deserter" in quotes, my purpose to be to give the lie to the idea that it's just card-carrying members of one political party so charging), the overall message being, "Let's hold off on drawing conclusions here until official channels have gathered their evidence and weighed in."

We already get a taste of this in this exchange between State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf and a Fox News reporter:

FOX News reporter: Does the State Department consider Sgt. Bergdahl to be a deserter?
State Department spokesperson Marie Harf: No, Lucas, what we said is we are going to learn the facts on what happened here.
FOX News: According to those around him, his platoon-mates his squadron-mates said he walked off…
Harf: Lucas, some of them, there are conflicting reports out there about this.
FOX News: The guys on national television last night, his squad-mates, platoon-mates were not correct?
Harf: I’m saying we do not know the fact pattern yet. We don’t. Nobody knows exactly what happened that night.
FOX News: Well, I think that his squadmates would have the best indication…
Harf: I don’t think that that’s the case.

And of course I see that Harry Reid has now chimed in with a similar line, but, given all the wacky stuff that has been coming out of his mouth lately, I don't know that that qualifies as the height of newsworthiness.

But this is the Freedom Haters' modus operandi.  Take "climate change," for instance.  They continue to cite the "findings" of clearly fraudulent figures such as Michael Mann and go for ad hominem attacks and ostracism when it comes to those who dare to differ, such as Lennart Bengtsson and Judith Curry.  They do it with FHer-care, claiming that "it's working" and utterly ignoring evidence to the contrary.

I think they've bitten off quite a bit more than is chewable in this instance, however.  It's not just those who served alongside Bergdahl.  It's the families of the eight who died looking for his sorry tail end.

I guess you'd call it trying to influence public opinion, although it has the appearance of grasping at straws if that is really the motive.  Maybe it's just sensing the need to have a narrative for the world's consumption to cover their sorry tail ends as they merrily proceed with implementing "fundamental transformation."


  1. Exactly why Bergdahl must be court martialed and a trial held. Remember the Bobby Garwood case arising out of Nam in pre-post-America? That case took 6 years from charges to conviction through to appeals. This is a government of laws not men (Obama included) and thus Bergdahl should be charged and his case must be heard tried and all the evidence heard. The current army chief of staff has promised to conduct a thorough, transparent and complete review of the circumstances surrounding his capture,” Obama, the man, a mere lawyer, not a law, well, he should be charged too. It will probably only increase his stock amongst the cluelessly dangerous amongst us, who you may think includes me sometimes. What a pitiful mess. I ache for our country too in all this.

  2. Well put: "I ache for this country."
