Friday, June 20, 2014

Freedom-Hater-care is only a good deal for those who qualify for gummint gravy (also known as your tax dollars)

Byron York at the Washington Examiner looks beyond the crowing of the regime's propaganda arm regarding how "success" has finally come to characterize FHer-care.  It boils down to folks without much wherewithal getting coverage and the rest of the folks getting a bill of goods:

Of the eight million, about 85 percent, or 6.8 million, actually paid for coverage. Of those, about 87 percent, or 5.9 million, receive taxpayer-paid subsidies to help them pay.
In other words, nearly everyone who has bought insurance through the Obamacare exchanges has done so with money from the government. And the subsidies are significant — an average of $264 a month, according to HHS. The average monthly premium is $346, according to the report, so minus the $264 subsidy, the average subsidy recipient is paying a net cost of $82 a month for coverage. The government pays the rest.
"It would appear from this data that it is the lowest income people who are most often signing up for coverage," writes insurance industry analyst Bob Laszewski. "That explains why the average consumer subsidy is so high and the average net cost is so low."
The problem is, for those who are not eligible for subsidies, or for those eligible only for smaller subsidies, Obamacare still presents higher premiums, higher deductibles, and narrow networks of doctors and hospitals. "The Obamacare plans are unattractive to all but the poorest who get the biggest subsidies and the lowest deductibles," writes Laszewski. "The working class and middle class are not getting access to attractive benefits."
So they have not purchased coverage. The Democrats who created Obamacare planned to pressure them into doing so by imposing an individual mandate -- a penalty euphemistically called a "shared responsibility fee" -- on those who go uninsured. The idea was, the mandate would not only increase the coverage rate but also raise revenue for the federal government.
But now comes word that very few will pay the penalty. In a study released this week, theCongressional Budget Office said that of the 30 million people estimated to be uninsured in 2016, only about four million will be required to pay. The rest -- 26 million people -- will be exempt from the mandate under various regulations issued by the Obama administration.
So this is one vision of Obamacare's future: Lower-income Americans purchase insurance because they receive the biggest subsidies. Others with somewhat higher incomes are priced out of the Obamacare market. The individual mandate is meaningless. The net result is tens of millions remain without coverage.

And you will have noticed if you've ever challenged some Freedom-Hater who boasts about how great the program is finally turning out on how it gets paid for, their "counter-argument," such as it is, amounts to trying to shame you for not being willing to part with your money to address the particular needs of fellow citizens you don't even know.

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