Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Ever fewer remaining microseconds

The basic purpose of this blog since its inception has been, per its name, to point out how far Western civilization has strayed from its foundations and how close to a state of irretrievability we have inched.

Because whatever is happening to America and the West generally is happening to all of us, whether we fear it or, in the case of mad minority, embrace it, I've seen little point in taking an alarmist tone except for the most egregious cases.  In fact, I think I have made this site a voice for where we should be going as much as a rail against the damage.

In the last few days, however, the full horror of the western Left's agenda has been bearing down on our civilization, and I'm not sure any depiction of it could be construed as unwarranted hyperbole.

From a roundup of developments, a picture emerges:

 - Everyone is aware that the FHer position is to increase the debt limit.  Harry Reid has put a number on it: $1.1 trillion.  And mind you, America's $17 trillion debt is only a fraction of what we really owe when you consider the unfunded liabilities of our transfer-payment programs.

- Using the excuse of the shutdown, the regime is turning World War II vets away from their open-air memorial, while mere yards away, a rally for illegal aliens hosted by the AFL-CIO and SEIU is allowed to take place without harassment.

- The rollout of the FHer-care exchanges is generally agreed to be a disaster, but the Most Equal Comrade got not one question about it at his presser yesterday.

- Miley Cyrus's exercise in self-embarrassment at the MTV music awards show not only did not harm her career, it emboldened her to keep pushing the envelope, as she did last week when, as host of Saturday Night Live, she played Michelle Bachmann in a soft-porn skit that also involved a John Boehner character.

- The UN has appointed Iran to its disarmament committee.  Israel is protesting strongly.  A US reaction has yet to be reported.

- China warns the US - Japan - Australia alliance to stay out of Pacific territorial disputes.

These are just five very recent developments, mind you.  They follow a steady flow covered by this blog and elsewhere: Putin's NYT column, anti-Christian bias in the US military, the murder of the US coal industry, the bankruptcy of Detroit, the Marxist-supporting past of New York mayoral candidate Bill DeBlasio . . .

Scroll though your Facebook news feed.  If there is any diversity at all to your array of "friends," you'll see how dug in the two sides warring for America's soul are.  And you'll see how afraid of basic facts the pro-tyranny side is.

There are just days when how very, very late it is is especially impressed upon one.

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