Tuesday, October 1, 2013

It has now thoroughly infected our military

Christians at Lackland Air Force Base are reporting harassment and intimidation, even as those with unusual sex lives feel ever more confident about parading them openly.


  1. Of course that is a horrible anecdote. Ya think they might try to put a stop to this hetero horror (at least to most Christians, I would think) that has been going on as long as armies have been armies? I realize that this is a report from the UN which you detest and therefore might disbelieve, but I have read enough history to know that an army travels as much on its pussy as it does its stomachs:

    "According to a recent United Nations report, thousands of women work as prostitutes near U.S. military bases around the world. Today, most of the women are from from Russia and the Philippines."

    Don't believe me and/or the UN? May I submit this from a source I have known you to cite and trust:

    "Since the first fall in of armies and soldiers, the issue of what to do with their sexual desires has been addressed. In ancient times there were camp followers, a significant number of whom were prostitutes. Soldiers would patronize the services of these women whenever there was a respite from combat, and I have to guess sometimes when combat was eminent.

    The formula has never changed:

    * Young men;

    * Forced abstinence or absence of normal sexual satisfaction;

    * Lots of time available during the lull in combat;

    * Invading or occupying force with sufficient money to pay for sexual favors.

    This combination has resulted in armies either accepting the existence of prostitution or at least looking the other way when it was happening. In some cases the alternatives were much less desirable, homosexuality or rape."

    PS Hetero and homo sexual rape have been occurring within the ranks wherever pussy and butts reside for a long long time too. There is a current crackdown on this misbehavior too. Or do we return to all male armies? I know, I know, the rape problem is much worse in some other countries' armies.

    Read more: http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/21st-century-pacifist/2012/apr/27/soldiers-and-prostitution-what-shock/#ixzz2gUoIZV7Y
    Follow us: @wtcommunities on Twitter

    Also read more at http://www.moderndirections.com/pros4.htm

  2. And lest you think this male-on-male crime is the result of the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell,” Dao shows otherwise. As one male victim told Dao, “The people who perpetrated these crimes on me identify as heterosexual males,” which is frequently true of male-on-male rape.

    Read more at http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2013/06/24/majority_of_military_sexual_assault_victims_are_men_now_that_the_focus_isn.html

  3. Ahh, but I know it's not the US Military, it's your military, cute closing remarks on your link, ya think we, er, I mean you conservative Christians (onward Christian soldiers they say) , should screen for religious affiliation and national origin? : " there simply aren’t enough Muslims, atheists, homosexuals and liberals that want to join the military to keep it staffed. Since liberals detest the military anyway, that’s not going to trouble them, but the rest of us should be concerned."

    - See more at: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/10/80-christian-soldiers-on-one-air-force-base-threatened-harassed-for-refusing-to-support-gay-marriage/#sthash.zhGkV2Km.dpuf

  4. Throw in political orientation up there too as potential screening criteria since this site won't allow editing of remarks among other insufficiencies such as no hyperlinks and no photos allowed from posters. Get with it dude, lol.

  5. Your four comments so far in this thread make the case for training in strong character being an essential part of a warrior's preparation.

  6. The other option is to throw one's hands up and say "It was ever thus," and let anything go. Which would obscure the fact that in conflicts - at least those the United States finds itself involved in - there is a right side and a wrong side.

  7. You know what Churchill said, "History is written by the victors," which I take to mean there is no right or wrong side, just sides. And since God, if not Allah, is silent on the issue, apparently working through other people, it is hard for me, if not you, to truthfully say my truth is the only truth. I am a part of all I have met, aren't you? So is everyone else. Also, what the thinker thinks, the prover proves. Finally, we are, simply, programmable entities. I know that pisses you off, but tell me that aint the truth.

  8. WHy do you see freedom as being a trivial and dispensable commodity?
