Friday, October 25, 2013

Can you say "tipping point?"

Here's what country you live in: recipients of gummint benefits outnumber year-round full-time workers.


  1. No matter that for every 46 unemployed workers, there are only 10 available job openings, get up off your fat arses and get a damned job people! You old farts,, get one too! Or lay in your own bed that you made by not working for a utility company or someplace that took better care of their workers. Oh, that's right, we all paid for those utility workers too, at the pump or at the washer dryer we use to clean our grubby worn-out clothing. Can't find a job? Become an entrepreneur!

  2. That being said, Obama has indeed increased the welfare outgo by 42% above the Bush administration. The war on poverty was one of a number of wars America has lost. What's next, another real war?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The answers are myriad my man. I am sure you think you have them all though. You can start by gaining the Senate majority in 10 days. Then how long will it take you? I was at the 1st TP rally in Columbus, IN, on 4/15/08, less than 3 months after Obama's inauguration. The level of negativity is really no different today, nearly 5 years later than it was on that day. I don't think you can straighten it out any more than Obama can. But when? I already know your theoretical "how."

  5. The way it looks today is 35 Contested Senate Races, GOP Hold 14, Democrat Hold 14, Tossup 4, GOP Takeaway 3, Democrat Takeaway 0.

    it remains to be seen what blame Pubs will shoulder for the shut down from the classless, clueless low info voters. Or will the electorate suddenly seem smarter if they vote your folks in? Can't wait for the outcome!

  6. Oops, lost track of time. Mid terms are not until next Nov. Damn time is dragging, but that is a good thing at my age. See ya at the polls in Nov., 2014. Until then, smile though your spleen is bursting...

  7. You know my immediate reaction to your question why there are so few jobs was that we are still in recovery. This recent article confirms my thoughts. It produces a neat graph of employment from 2000 to present. They place the blame on the pretty obvious that we have not recovered from historic plunge in 2008 after 8 years of a Republican administration. We will again have to argue about the cause(s) of the plunge. My understanding is that they are myriad. Read more at

  8. Well, then let's take your premise as a given for the sake of argument. Why are we still in recovery? It's the slowest recovery from a recession in history.

    And you are wrong about the pro-freedom side in this war not being aboe to straighten is out. Our prescription is quite straightforward: Dtastically reduce the size and scope of government. Drastically reduce taxes, get government out of health care, dismantle the EPA, so the coal industry can once again flourish, the Keystone pipeline can be built, and we're not subsidizing bankruptcy-bound green "energy companies." Dismantle entire cabinet-level departments, beginning with education, energy and health and human services.

    Just now while typing this, I nearly used the term "our program," but thought the better of it. We're often asked, "Well, what's your program for such-and-such?" The thing is that we are predisposed not to offer "programs." We've had quite enough of those.

  9. 2nd slowest recovery in history for the 2nd severest "recession" in history. Keep pushin'. As for your plan, since you refuse to be reasonable, get realistic.

  10. What, pray tell, is unreasonable about maximizing freedom and minimizing the scope of government?Letting people keep, for all intents and purposes, all their own money?

    It's interesting that this conversation should arise today. There is a piece at PJ Media today by Rick Moran, an ostensibly righty pundit who has, for sometime now, stuck in my craw. He covers the enthusiastic response Ted Cruz got yesterday at Iowa's Reagan Day dinner, and seems fairly objective about it until he gets to the part where he says "yeah, right" when discussing Cruz's crusade to defund FHer-care - dismissing it as futile in the face of the Senate majority. The comment thread underneath mainly deals with this "yeah, right" remark - that is to say, disgust with it.

    You see, real conservatives operate solely from immutable principles, not what is "reasonable." "Pragmatic strategy" only interests us to the degree is wavers not one microinch from what is right, good and true.

  11. Obamacare looks like it will kill itself. Thanks for shutting down the government though. Oh, that's right you didn't shut it down, Obama did.

  12. I miss Dick Lugar too. Thanks Tea Party.
