Monday, October 28, 2013

The MEC's new partner in patty-cake - today's edition

Our State Department wants so much to hang hopes of comity, rainbows and unicorns on Rouhani, the new Iranian president.  But since he's assumed office, the stonings, hangings, and harrassment have continued apace.  (And let us not forget the 80 lashes each for four Christians for drinking communion wine I posted about the other day.)

You probably missed the news that four women were recently stoned to death in the country President Obama loves to flatter by calling it the Islamic Republic of Iran.  Their bodies showed up in the Tehran morgue mid-month.  So far as I have read, no one has claimed the cadavers.
You may also have missed the big roundup of homosexuals and devil-worshippers in Kermanshah Province.  Regime media reported with horror that eight of the gays were married.
And then there was the mass arrests of a hundred Kurds in Tehran.  Why Kurds?  The answer:  there’s a real war on in the region, and the Kurds are in the middle.  Kurds in Turkey are fighting for autonomy against the Erdogan crowd.  Kurds in Iraq have carved out a great degree of independence from Baghdad, and are profitably engaged in cross-border commerce with the Iranian Kurds, who are helping the Turkish Kurds…who are helping the Syrian Kurds, who have established control over significant areas of the north, and who justgrabbed one of the two principal border crossings into Iraq.  The Tehran regime is fighting Kurds in the area near Turkey, and the arrests are probably part of that campaign. 


 Indeed, repression is worse all over the country;  150 have been (officially) executed since the Great Moderate won office.

And while State wants Congress to hold off on a new round of sanctions in order to see what fruit patty-cake can bear, Iran continues 20 percent uranium enrichment.


  1. Well in the Middle East I would not feel so all alone, everybody must get stung.

  2. The day is fast approaching when the West will ask itself, why didn't we prevent this when there was time?

  3. Israel can preempt. Were'd they get those nukes? You have been chomping at the bit to invade Iran since the days of Wolfie Wolf & Co. Your ilk has been bitching about Obama since he was nominated as the Dem candidate. I don't see much difference between then and now. That's why, though I may not like Obama either, I don't trust your ilk's motivations at all either. The Tea Party gave up on him in less than 3 months after the inauguration with the 1st mass rallies held on 4/15/09. The scream level on shock jock radio has remained at a high pitch since Obama became the Dem candidate, won the election, was inaugurated, shook his first foreign leader's hand, and on and on. Remember when a certain segment of the American populace was cheering for any place but Chicago to win the 2016 Olympic bid? Remember when they were screaming for the president of Notre Dame to snub Obama? Those things all happened within the 1st 6 months of his inauguration.

  4. Invading Iran would be ill-advised, although our options certainly are more limited now than they were before June 2009, when a groundswell of opposition within Iran was basically begging us for support - and, again, I don't mean military.

    Which brings us to the Most Equal Comrade and the "scream level" of the pro-freedom side in this war for America's soul. We knew who he was as soon as we looked into his background and recordings of him in various venues. He is the opposite of what we stand for. And you can feel safe in trusting us. There is no one more upfront about his intentions than a conservative.

  5. The blood shed by the domino theorists leaves me cold.
