Wednesday, October 16, 2013

It is a great question

An Investors Business Daily editorial points out that FHer-care has been coming in for a lot of derision and pronouncements of failure and disaster - from prominent FHers (Ezra Klein, Robert Gibbs, Jon Stewart), while Pub response to the rollout has been tepid.  Why is this so?

Well, not all Pubs have been tepid, of course.  There's our bunch (Cruz, Lee, et al). I guess the Reasonable Gentleman-afflicted look at the abuse heaped on those willing to really fight to kill FHer-care and conclude, "Not for me, thank you."  Not an honorable course, but understandable, given human nature.


  1. I think they reason that they cannot call a kettle black. The cattle have to call the kettle black, i.e., like Obama, if this thing is as bad as all that, folks will realize it soon enough. Old trick, giving them enough rope to hang themselves on. Your ilk wants to usurp the hangman, vigilante justice so to speak and you have alienated many more than you have impressed.

  2. I have seriously considered the possibility that a give-'em-enough-rope strategy would have been the wiser course for my bunch to pursue. But given what we now know about FHer-care, I think it was entirely noble to try to kill it before it inflicted any more damage.
