Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The kind of launch you knew it would be

From Maryland to California, state exchanges are, shall we say, not fully operational, and healthcare.gov is "currently unavailable."

There has been the school of thought through all of this that opponents of FHer-care ought to just let it launch, that people would see that it was a cluster-you-know-what through and through.  Well, not all of us favored that route, but it looks like folks in that camp had a point.


  1. On it like a fly on shit aintcha? Let's look at the Romneycare roll-out back in '06 to determine if that went off without a hitch. By the way, I understand you probably voted for Romney from your desperate posts leading up to the election last year when the American people chose Obama and by inference, Obamacare. Great work though TPers, your negativity has apparently been quite contagious, so it seems. Negativity is that way. Recent studies show that negative people in the workplace have a way of poisoning the entire company. Read more about this at http://smallbusiness.chron.com/effects-negativity-workplace-11655.html.

  2. Here's the way you do it, Superfly! Romneycare was amended significantly in 2008 and twice in 2010 and major revisions related to health care industry price controls were introduced in the Massachusetts legislature in May 2012 that passed in August 2012.

    Read more at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massachusetts_health_care_reform

  3. Just trying to prevent the final tyrannizing of what had been America.

    Romneycare was a bad idea. Health care should be dealt with by a free market approach.

  4. You are entitled to your opinion, Mr. "Fly, but this thing is law and you of all constitution lovers should know what that means and the appropriate way to deal with it as you see fit. In this case, appropriate means legal and you are not proceeding by rule of law. Smells like TP spirit to me. Oh, that's right, you're the only ones who love this country so rule of laws you do not like do not apply to you. NOT!!!!. And who are you to say how health care should be dealt with? Your opinion can be cast at the ballot box. It was iast November and you did not have enough votes agreeing with you to get Romney elected. He was going to have an extremely difficult time with repealing ACA in his 1st day in office, nay impossible time. And as difficult a time explaining his Romneycare which the citizens of MA are largely satisfied with after 6 years in place. If they are not I presume the Commonwealth has channels to implement its repeal.

  5. We seem to be the only ones who love this country. Democrats certainly don't.
