Thursday, October 24, 2013

Secretary Global Test no doubt wants to have a substantive Syria pow-wow, but he's not likely to get much support from his boss, who is bored by foreign policy

Due to the bolstered position of Assad and the splintered condition of the resistance in Syria, Global Test's big conference looks to be a bust.  I would imagine he's more than a little frustrated by the indifference to it all shown by the Most Equal Comrade.

A close examination of how the Obama administration finds itself at this point — based on interviews with dozens of current and former members of the administration, foreign diplomats and Congressional officials — starts with a deeply ambivalent president who has presided over a far more contentious debate among his advisers than previously known. Those advisers reflected Mr. Obama’s own conflicting impulses on how to respond to the forces unleashed by the Arab Spring: whether to side with those battling authoritarian governments or to avoid the risk of becoming enmeshed in another messy war in the Middle East.


Even as the debate about arming the rebels took on a new urgency, Mr. Obama rarely voiced strong opinions during senior staff meetings. But current and former officials said his body language was telling: he often appeared impatient or disengaged while listening to the debate, sometimes scrolling through messages on his BlackBerry or slouching and chewing gum.
In private conversations with aides, Mr. Obama described Syria as one of those hellish problems every president faces, where the risks are endless and all the options are bad. Those views would then be reflected in larger groups by Tom Donilon, the national security adviser, and Mr. McDonough. 

And this guy still has devotees who swoon at his every word.

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