Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Enough with this preoccupation over shiny objects, already

Last week, it was the fascination with 86ing the medical-device tax (and, to reiterate, the LITD position is that that would be an essential part of any overall final solution).  Now, it's with FHer-care subsidy applicants having to verify their incomes - and, again, this is important and must be part of any satisfactory ultimate deal.

But any agreement with the Freedom-Haters on a way to skate past Thursday's debt-ceiling max-out must not hinge on one, or even two, isolated aspects of FHer-care.

So I am encouraged by the rumblings leaking to the public ahead of the meeting of House Pubs going on even as I write.

Would love to know the name of the Representative who called the latest Senate proposal "a mushy piece of s---."  I sure agree with him.

Any acceptable final deal must come as close as humanly possible to killing FHer-care outright.  Nothing less.


  1. So sing Amazing Grace to OUR God and hug OUR veterans for US. Thanks for your concern.

  2. In 2012 with a 15 percent approval rating, 90 house members were re-elected.. Nationwide Democrats running for office got 1.1 million more votes yet 33 more Republicans were sent to the house. We've created a system where politicians are choosing their voters instead of voters choosing their politicians.

    See more at 5:23 here at http://www.nbcnews.com/video/full-broadcast/53280675#53280675

  3. Sometimes i wonder if a method truly exists for getting a bead on what the American people think and feel. And secondary questions arise from that, such as if the public's collective attention span isn't constantly getting shorter.

  4. Yeah, we only got attn. spans nuff to absorb bout 5 commandments, not 10.

  5. and we know where you live but unfortunately, due to Bush era paranoiac legislation, so does the NSA and of course the IRS

