Sunday, August 5, 2018

Why we call them freedom-haters - today's edition

The distilled essence of the Left's vision of societal organization:

A little noticed detail in Santa Barbara’s recent drive to criminalize plastic straws, which culminated in the Santa Barbara city council taking testimony from a nine-year-old about the planetary menace, has come to light in recent days. During that council session, councilman Jesse Dominguez said to following in response to citizens who asked “what’s next?”:
“Unfortunately, common sense is just not common. We have to regulate every aspect of people’s lives.”
Take that one in for a moment, for it expresses the core impulse of liberalism today. In fact, let’s repeat it:
“Unfortunately, common sense is just not common. We have to regulate every aspect of people’s lives.”
The councilman attempted to walk back his utterance with some kind of crud about putting together "a string of words in a rhetorical fashion" and "some confusion about what [he] said."

No, Mr. Dominguez, your mission to bring about a societal state in which there are two kinds of people - overlords and cattle-masses - is quite clear to anyone who refuses to go quietly into either category.


  1. There's a lot of political territory between that dude and your ilk which you're ignoring in favor of having us all move on over to your camp which doesn't even recognize the rule of law(beyond your charade of decorum and righteousness) when it doesn't fit your perceived principles.

  2. And why would I? Why would I ever be okay with anything that went against my principles?

  3. Does the rule of law supersede individual principles? Ask Alexa

  4. I have only two words of reply: Frank Jerome.

  5. Gonna have to flesh that one out. I'm not seeing how he pertains to this topic at present.
