Friday, August 17, 2018

Friday roundup

Erick Erickson at The Resurgent has a view of the Brennan security-clearance dustup that is refreshingly original: he doesn't care.

This really is not a big story. Brennan says he was not getting classified briefings. This will affect his life not at all. It will affect the nation not at all. It will not affect your life in any way, shape, or form.
It is just another story designed to foment outrage at the President and there is vastly more important stuff going on in the world than this.
If the Very Stable Genius wants Omarosa arrested, shouldn't he offer a specific charge for doing so? 

Pub legislators in Wisconsin need to pull back from the brink and act like free-market champions and not offer special incentives to Kimberly-Clark to keep plants in that state open that it makes economic sense to close. There's a very basic lesson her for them to heed:

When we abandon a strongly held commitment to something — say, free markets or fiscal responsibility — we weaken our ability to insist upon it in the next case.
Why can't Europe do tech? 

Somebody who has the respect of the Very Stable Genius - presumably because that person says GREAT things about him - has apparently gotten through to him on the matter of this parade, the cost of which ballooned exponentially. It's been cancelled.

The VSG administration is close to a revamped NAFTA deal with Mexico, but issues remain with Canada. It will be interesting to see the particulars. Again, they'll surely be whatever the VSG is told will make him look like a winner.

1 comment:

  1. Many ex governmental people parlay their security clearances into cush consultanships so on that level it does matter to Mr. Brennan
