Monday, August 13, 2018

The Dem's new It Girl is looking increasingly like a flash in the pan

Alexandria Ocasa-Cortez's excuse for not debating Ben Shapiro - that his mere challenge was tantamount to a "catcall" - was, of course, silly, but she has yet to even come up with a solid reason for not debating Candace Owens.

It's probably because she already knows that we know why:

The answer is obvious, of course. Socialism has wreaked havoc everywhere it has been implemented — every time — and is always accompanied by tyranny. Free market capitalism has quite literally lifted billions out of poverty and is always associated with the expansion of individual liberty. But Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t know the history of either system and isn’t planning to learn. As Cicero phrased it, “To be ignorant of the past is to be forever a child.” This is why Ocasio-Cortez so often talks like a Valley Girl. Tom Perez at the Democratic National Committee says she “represents the future of our party.” Excellent!
The irony is that all these millennial progressives so enamored with socialism are in thrall to a relic:

One of the reasons socialism, as most of its current apologists use the word, can no longer be defended in a civil discussion among thinking people is that it is a debunked product of the 19thcentury, like phrenology. It was thought of by social theorists of that era as a model for human behavior that could be validated by the scientific method. Like many ideas that were taken seriously by intelligent people of that century it didn’t stand the tests of time or experience, and should have long ago disappeared from the realm of serious discussion, as did other products of faulty thinking. It should have gone the way of the aether theory.
And the headlong rush to socialism she seems to embody seems to have been oversold:

Is an endorsement smooch from the socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez actually a kiss of electoral death?
For Hawaii congressional candidate Kaniela Ing, the answer was yes, as he became the fourth high-profile endorsee of Cortez to go down in flames in a primary this week, based on returns.
The Hawaii Civil Beat reported in July:
… Ing, who bills himself as a democratic socialist, has seemingly found little traction among local voters in the race to fill the open seat for Hawaii’s 1st Congressional District.
Ing lagged far behind the leaders among likely Democratic voters in the poll.
Another publication indicated Ing came in fourth in a recent poll.

It turns out Cortez’s support did nothing for his chances, and in fact, it may have hurt them.
Maybe self-proclaimed progressives, once they belly up to a voting machine, heed the voice of their intuition, and the first law economics, regardless of school, rings in their ears: The money has to come from somewhere.




  1. Toiling Together

    Troops of the Uniform Unite! The Military Is a Socialist Paradise!

    It may come as an unwelcome surprise to conservatives, but America’s military has one of the only working models of collective living and social welfare the country has ever known.

    Every day before dawn, brave men and women of different races and backgrounds rise as one, united by a common cause. They march together in formation, kept in step by their voices joined in song. These workers leave their communal housing arrangements and go toil together “in the field.” While they are out doing their day’s labor, their young are cared for in subsidized childcare programs. If they hurt themselves on the job, they can count on universal health care. Right under your nose, on the fenced-in bases you drive past on your way to work or see on the TV news, a successful experiment in collectivization has been going on for years.

  2. They're defending our nation. Special circumstance. The ordinary person is not entitled to that.

  3. As so often happens with stuff you cite, I have to wonder if you shared it in order to just get in an ornery nose-tweak, or if you really swallow an idea so stupid.

  4. I don't care what they're doing. It works. You claim it doesn't. "Like many ideas that were taken seriously by intelligent people of that century it didn’t stand the tests of time or experience, and should have long ago disappeared from the realm of serious discussion, as did other products of faulty thinking. It should have gone the way of the aether theory."

  5. Plus you say it's a special circumstance. Well, if it's so special, why's it so bad?

  6. Show me one damn place on the planet, on a nation-wide scale - where it works. And let's dispense with the Scandanavian countries right off the bat. They still have market economies. They just heavily tax their populations to provide a number of "free" "services." No person who loves his or her freedom will put up with that level of taxation.

  7. For it not working in China their people sure seem to support it and they scare the bejeezus out of us too, have for a long time.

  8. According to the Pew Charitable Trust, “Nine in ten Chinese are happy with the direction of their country (85%), feel good about the current state of their economy (91%) and are optimistic about China’s economic future.””

  9. Again, you just tossing this up because LITD needs a countervailing viewpoint or do you really think Chinese communism, with its forced abortions, iron-fisted one-party rule and persecution of Christians (and Falun Gong followers) really has something the US should emulate?

  10. Your cocksurity always needs a countervailing viewpoint. I looked into Falun Gong a bit myself. No crowds here seeking its wisdom. Probably because it's just plain weird to westerners. But now you're talking about freedom of worship which would be the bathwater, not the baby you want to throw out.

  11. And if AI (brought to us by that glorious corporate profit motive( is half as disruptive as many experts predict, the debate over socialism in America is just heating up here. Again. Ahh, but your ilk spurns even social insurance here.

  12. Yep, that social insurance crap is the first step in softening up the cattle-masses into willingly giving up their freedom.

  13. Another domino theory we might have to call out our socialist troops to fight for our freedom again.

  14. 2.6% pay raise just approved for the socialist military. The money has to come from somewhere, right?

  15. And that is one of the few proper uses of funds seized from us at gunpoint.

  16. Use of the word proper means nothing but opinion from you who bases everything on the Constitution as it was still dripping wet from the ink. Not even the signees envisioned that would be done 240 years later. The common law had to proceed largely as it had come down from England. Then there was statutory law. Any law that stands constitutional tests is not that readily or easily undone. Talk about rainbows & unicorn thinking?

  17. You bet I base everything on the Constitution (and the Holy Bible).

    Re: signees not envisioning everything that would be done 240 years later: that's why it was designed to be applicable to any type of cultural or technological change. It's a timeless blueprint for maximizing liberty while maintaining sufficient order for citizens to feel safe and secure.

  18. If we go messing with those guys' original intent, all bets are off. This nation could mutate into anything.
