Friday, August 24, 2018

The VSG to Pompeo: nix your NorKor trip

But his tweets about it indicate how, as with everything, he views this situationally as opposed to crafting a solid policy based on a consistent set of principles. That's evident from the way he tries to blame the lack of NorKor movement on what was "agreed upon" in Singapore on China being ticked off about trade issues, and also the business about "warmest regards." Excuse me while I hurl.

I have asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo not to go to North Korea, at this time, because I feel we are not making sufficient progress with respect to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

...Additionally, because of our much tougher Trading stance with China, I do not believe they are helping with the process of denuclearization as they once were (despite the UN Sanctions which are in place)...
...Secretary Pompeo looks forward to going to North Korea in the near future, most likely after our Trading relationship with China is resolved. In the meantime I would like to send my warmest regards and respect to Chairman Kim. I look forward to seeing him soon!
As I say, he views everything situationally. He thinks the Chinese trade issues will be easily resolved and then all will be peaches and cream, never mind that China has long-range ambitions that include knocking the US down from its lone-superpower status. How much help was China prior to this trade war? 

And then there's that "warmest regards and respect" dog vomit. The VSG needs to have his cell phone stomped on before he sends out another tweet.

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