Friday, August 2, 2019

He's not playing 5-D chess

Memo to the Very Stable Genius: Your off-the-cuff shootings-off of your mouth have ramifications for US foreign policy.

The mainland Chinese are already making hay out of your choice of the word "riots":

President Donald Trump labeled recent protests in Hong Kong as “riots,” adopting the language used by Chinese authorities and suggesting the U.S. would stay out of an issue that was “between Hong Kong and China.”
“Something is probably happening with Hong Kong, because when you look at, you know, what’s going on, they’ve had riots for a long period of time,” Trump told reporters at the White House on Thursday before departing for a campaign rally in Cincinnati.
Trump said he didn’t know what China’s attitude was toward unrest in the former British colony, which is home to tens of thousands of Americans. “Somebody said that at some point they’re going to want to stop that,” Trump said. “But that’s between Hong Kong and that’s between China, because Hong Kong is a part of China.”
Trump’s comments about the protests in Hong Kong could bolster the city’s Beijing-backed government to crack down, despite the U.S. State Department’s official efforts to defend protesters’ freedom of expression. Protests erupted outside police stations earlier this week when the Hong Kong government charged 44 demonstrators with a colonial-era rioting statute that carries a sentence of up to 10 years in prison.
The Global Times, a nationalistic newspaper published by China’s Communist Party, signaled approval with an article headlined “Trump tells truth about HK riot.” The ruling party has long used such allegations to justify using force against dissidents, dubbing the 1989 pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square a “counter-revolutionary riot.”
Trump administration officials said Friday the president had no intention to signal a policy change or an endorsement of China’s position.

“The use of the term riot is a bit sensitive to the protesters,” said Joseph Cheng, a retired political science professor who is involved in Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement.

“More significant still, I think people will pay attention to the fact that he said this is something between China and Hong Kong. It appears to the Hong Kong people that the Hong Kong issue is not an important issue in the agenda of the president.”
Hong Kong protesters have so far largely enjoyed support from American officials and business groups. Activist Joshua Wong urged the president to reconsider his comments, tweeting an Aug. 1 letter from American lawmakers including Senators Marco Rubio, a Florida Republican, and Ben Cardin, a Maryland Democrat, urging the White House to condemn Beijing’s actions. 
You have to have a core set of principles in order to have a foreign policy that doesn't wind up leaving the world's good guys feeling betrayed. This isn't about deals and winning. The prospects for freedom in the one place in Communist China that has some are at stake.

And no, this does not mean that there is any good Democrat alternative. There's not. It just means that the principled grownups that the VSG has placed in key foreign-policy positions are going to have to be deft but firm in actually standing on the side of those Hong Kong residents insisting on their freedom.


  1. New poll out has Trump's approval rating lower than all 4 of the Squad. Not sure anyone in the whole wide world is listening to him. November 2020 can't come quick enough.

  2. You're utterly confident a Democrat can win the presidency in November 2020?

  3. Oh yeah. It will be the turn-out of the ages and democratic good will again demonstrate dominace over evil.

  4. Tell me about this "good." A Medicare-for-all plan that would cost $32.6 trillion over the first decade? Getting rid of petroleum-based energy? Throwing open our borders to all comers? Making criminals out of people who use normal-people pronouns to refer to those with gender dysphoria? Obliterating the notion of personal responsibility by "forgiving" student loan debt?

  5. At least we're having a conversation about it. We will unify because Trump must go and your former party is not doing a damn thing about the central overbiding thing: Trump must go.

  6. Dem candidates are nothing if not diverse. Like our populace,despite Trumpian efforts to make the only matters that matter are those of his arguably debased base. If not of their ilk, you don't matter. Though he spoke of unity (through some return to some halcyon ideal of patriotism not much seen here since the early heady days of the Viet Nam conflict) the divisions within our country between white and black, rich and poor, straight and gay, believer and non, men and women, liberal and conservative, and just about every difference you can come up with, seem to have widened substantially. But no gulf is greater than that between Trumpists and non. I applaud the diversity of the Dem candidates lining up to defeat the devil that is Trump. We've got young, old, straight, gay, Protestant, Christian, Jew, and of the new age there is even one or two. I know you favor the satanic to explain those not of your ilk. Dems even got a female non-politician bringing dark forces into the discussion for you. And that likely Buddhist Andrew Yang talks much truth about the rise of the robot. Perhaps we're lacking in star power and of course financial resources but we are America today, much more representative of the mosaic that we are than Trump-Pence to whose beat we simply will not march.

  7. They all believe that health care is a right, that the global climate is in crisis, that gender is fluid and that America is fundamentally morally flawed with much to atone for.

  8. Healthcare is apready a right, global climate is quite in crisis, man made or not, live and let the gender fluid live (swings both ways I know) and America is what it is.

  9. It's impossible by definition for it to be a right. There can be no right to the activity of one's fellow human being. How did people in the year 1300 exercise their "right" to a triple bypass?

  10. "Fossil fuel energy has not taken a naturally safe climate and made it unnaturally dangerous; it’s taken our naturally dangerous climate and made it unnaturally safe."
    - Alex Epstein


  12. None of those issues are near the gravitas of getting rid of Trump which is what it distills down to in November, 2020.
