Saturday, August 24, 2019

This guy's supposed to be the grown-up Palestinian

. . . the one who can speak at the UN, get invited to peace conferences, the foil to Hamas in Gaza.

Does he sound like it here?

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas threatened this week that "million of fighters" would swarm Jerusalem and topple the Jewish state's capital city, warning that "no matter how many houses and how many settlements they declare that they [plan to build] here and there—they shall all be destroyed."
Abbas, in an Arabic language speech at Jalazone Refugee Camp near Ramallah that was heavy with threats of destruction, doubled down on the Palestinian government's policy of using public money to pay convicted terrorists and their families, telling his audience, "We will not accept their designation of our martyrs as terrorists. Our martyrs are the martyrs of the homeland."
Abbas went on to rally those in attendance to swarm the city of Jerusalem and destroy all Jewish people living there. His remarks are the clearest sign to date that the leader has no interest in playing a role in a revamped peace process spearheaded by President Donald Trump's White House.
"To Jerusalem we march, martyrs by the millions!" he was quoted as saying, according to a translation by the Middle East Media Research Institute, or MEMRI, a media watchdog site.
"We shall enter Jerusalem—millions of fighters! We shall enter it! All of us, the entire Palestinian people, the entire Arab nation, the Islamic nation, and the Christian nation," Abbas said. "They shall all enter Jerusalem."
Homes and cities built by Jews and other ethnic groups living in Israel "will all go to the garbage bin of history," Abbas said.
I don't think there's much point in looking to him as a partner in patty-cake.


  1. Ya think Trump/Nettie's smooth moves naming Jtown as the capital of Israel is working its magic? Just one of the many chickens hatched by this duo coming home to roost. Time will tell all about the Trumpian solutions you applaud here, though thankfully you detest the man as much as Dems do.

  2. Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel.

    That said, you're off-topic. You don't find Abbas's remarks defensible, do you?

  3. Of course not defensible as Israel has the nukes and the Orange Satan backing them. Quite understandable though as aforementioned. As I have said many times, all this crap you applaud Trump for has yet to play out. I foresee disaster on multiple fronts. Not because of what Trump is, but because of what he's done to international diplomacy, our democratic polity and to our economy. All yet to play out disasterously.

  4. "President Trump announced on Wednesday that his administration is making a radical break with nearly 70 years of official United States policy and with the international community: He is recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

    This decision will be interpreted by Palestinians, Arabs and the rest of the world as a major provocation. It will cause irreparable harm to Mr. Trump’s own plans to make peace in the Middle East, and to any future administration’s efforts, as well. It will also undermine the United States’ own national security. The president should reconsider this decision immediately."--Hanan Ashrawi,NYT,12/7/17

  5. You're still off topic. Abbas didn't mention Trump in his remarks.

    The notion that recognizing truth - that Israel is the eternal capital of Israel - is going to "harm peace prospects" is tantamount to acknowledging that the West has to succumb to Palestinian extortion - some kind of "don't do it or we'll continue making war on Israel.

    Your statement that Abbas's remarks are not defensible because Israel has nukes is a non sequitur. Would they somehow be defensible if Israel did not have nukes?

  6. How is it off topic to inject why Abbas is so pissed? Trump (and your beloved Uncle Nettie) have done all possible to ignite a war, not prevent one. I don't know whether this will result in a real war, but likely the US will have to go it alone, as that is evidently how Trump the Chosen One and whoever stays long enough in his administration administration appear to want it. Trump tells us we are winners through him. They're pissed and their leader is urging them to die for their cause. Do we as citizens of the USA have the same will for the Jewish people who as divided on the issue as the rest of the world? We may have to find out about defensibility, huh?

  7. Ah, so you do find Abbas's remarks justifiable. I guess that means you think it's great that the PLO uses public money to fund terrorism. Real nice.

    Your attempt to bring Trump into it is an obvious attempt to deflect from the fact that Abbas's rhetoric is no different from that coming from Hamas. Israel has no "partner in the search for peace" among the Palestinians. Never has. They want all the Jews driven out of Israel and the name changed to Palestine.

    Just what has Israel - or, for that matter, Trump - done to ignite rather than prevent a war? It sounds like you sign on to the view that Israel has to comply with Palestinian extortion, that it had better not assert its sovereignty, lest it anger the Palestinians.

    Are you referring to the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel? The US Congress actually did that in 1995. Subsequent presidents have signed waivers to put off acting on it, because they kept futilely searching for that elusive Palestinian honest broker.

  8. Of course I'm referring to the implementation of Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Duh!

  9. To be clear, Trump isn’t the first US president to talk about moving the American embassy to Jerusalem. As Politico points out, Bill Clinton said he supported the idea in principle. George W. Bush declared he would move the US ambassador there in 2000. And Barack Obama, for his part, referred to the city as the capital of Israel and said it must remain “undivided.” Congress has also repeatedly passed legislation calling for the embassy move.

    But none of the previous presidents followed through — one reason being that the move would appear to put the US squarely on the side of Israel.

    Ilan Goldenberg, a Middle East expert with the Center for New American Security, told me that Trump’s decision significantly undercuts the US’s credibility as a neutral party in the conflict.

    As the country that has led the Israeli-Palestinian peace process negotiations for the past 25 years, the US is “supposed to be acting like the fireman,” he said. “Instead, we’re acting like the arsonist — we’re making things worse.”

    The embassy move could also make the chances of a peace deal, already remote given that the two sides haven’t held serious peace talks in years, nearly impossible.

    “Jerusalem is the linchpin to an Israeli-Palestinian peace settlement,” Khaled Elgindy, a fellow with the Brookings Institution, a Washington think tank, told me.

    Trump’s recognition of the city as Israel’s capital is a “huge victory” for the Israelis, he added, but it also “essentially takes a Palestinian state off the table.”

  10. You need to reread my most recent comment. Israel has no partner in the search for peace on the Palestinian side. The Palestinians want to drive all Jews from Israel and change the name. And no, the US is not supposed to be some neutral "fireman." We are supposed to be squarely on the side of Israel. It is one of our closest allies in the world.

    You clearly think Abbas's remarks are justified. You think he has a valid point when he calls for "millions of fighters to enter Jerusalem." That is horrifying and rotten.

  11. Dunno where you got the notion that I think the call for millions of fighters to enter Jerusalem was valid. Understandable does not = validity. You are putting words in my mouth which make me sound horrifying and rotten. To you. You are full of crap.
