Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The elephant in the room everyone is ignoring

Take a moment to consider this little snapshot of where we are:

The federal government spent a record $3,727,014,000,000 in the first ten months of fiscal 2019 (October through July), according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today.
While spending that record $3,727,014,000,000, the government ran a deficit of $866,812,000,000.
And, no, tax cuts are not to blame. This is:

. . . two-thirds of the entire increase in spending is due to just other three items in the budget: health care spending (Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare), Social Security, and interest payments on the debt.
In other words, it’s entitlement spending – and more specifically, health care spending  – that is driving up the deficit, not tax cuts.
This scenario makes it obvious we are not sending our most mature and principled citizens to Congress or the White House.

At some point, the federal government's power to tax and to print money and to jack around with interest rates is not going to be enough to stave off the reckoning.

And the cattle-masses don't want a reckoning anyway. They've come to see redistribution as some kind of essentially American virtue. They're scared to death of considering what it would look like to take charge of their own destinies rather than foist that duty off onto a federal government that was not designed for such things.

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