Sunday, August 25, 2019

Barney & Clyde - Episode 13

Here it is.

Technology difficulties precluded the video component, so it's just our mellifluous voices - although these portraits of your intrepid hosts are flattering, are they not?
So pour yourself something bracing, pull up a bar-stool at the Libation Station, and get in on the fortnightly exchange of libertarian and conservative perspectives on the weighty matters of the day. Specifically: 
1. They Really Said That?! - Miley Cyrus blows the patriarchy!
2. Parties Acting Stupidly - Does Amash Smoke Enough Pot to Run as a Libertarian?
3. Yes, it Can Get More Toxic - The Left's disgusting reaction to the passing of David Koch.
4. History to Fit the Agenda - NY Times' 1619 Project 
5. Meanwhile, Back in Athens - Our Local Vaping Ban + Indiana House Representative Jim Lucas' controversial noose post. 
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  1. It is a real riot listening to you trash Gary Johnson's pot smoking as well as his prescient and quite correct stance on advocacy for decrimilization and repeal of draconian Reganic seizure legislation when a co-host cannot recall the name of the independent who ran for president (hint: recently expired) or twice claiming Charles, not David Koch expired. Though something went awry with your video feed this week, you may have been drinking dumb drugs as seen in the past.

  2. I see you got the substance out of our podcast.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
