Wednesday, August 21, 2019

It's this kind of stuff - today's edition

The Very Stable Genius has been ramping up the recklessness and the narcissism lately.

David French at National Review asks a very good question with regard to the Democrats-and-Isreal blurt: disloyal to whom?

President Trump, speaking in the Oval Office yesterday: “Where has the Democratic party gone?  Where have they gone where they’re defending these two people over the State of Israel? And I think any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat, I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty.”
Disloyalty to whom?
Disloyalty to Israel? Is Trump suggesting that American Jews owe a loyalty to Israel? In a year when American Jews have bristled at the accusation of dual loyalties from the likes of Ilhan Omar, is President Trump arguing that not only do American Jews have loyalty to two countries, but that they ought to?

Disloyalty to him? Americans pledge allegiance to a flag and the country for which it stands, not a particular leader or politician. If “the choice is binary,” as so many insisted about 2016 and are sure to insist again in 2020, then Trump’s statement that voting for a Democratic party that defends Omar and Tlaib is disloyal amounts to a contention that being a “loyal” Jew requires voting for him.

Disloyalty to themselves or their community, as Republican Jewish Coalition executive director Matt Brooks argues? This is probably the most justifiable interpretation of Trump’s remarks – that an American Jew who ignores, defends, or averts his eyes from Omar and Rashida Tlaib represents a person acquiescing to the demonization of his own community and who is betraying himself, his own family, and his fellow members of the faith or heritage community. (Pardon that clunky description of America’s Jews, but there are Jews who aren’t religious and there are converts who are not ethnically Jewish, so this feels like the most accurate wording to describe the “Jewish community.”)
But the interpretation from Brooks comes uncomfortably close to the accusation that Jewish Democrats who have not openly opposed Omar and Tlaib are self-hating members of that community, or that those members of the Jewish community are not really or authentically Jewish. In many circumstances, conservatives loathe the notion that holding a particular viewpoint means you’re not an “authentic” member of a demographic community.

It’s not difficult to understand why many American Jews will bristle or react angrily to President Trump’s comment.
One of the messages that people are least receptive to is, “I’m not a member of your group, but I know what is best for your group, better than you do.” Lots of Americans don’t like it when foreign countries tell us what our foreign policy ought to be, lots of Catholics don’t like it when non-Catholics tell them what the faith’s doctrine ought to be, and conservatives don’t like it when those they perceive as RINO pundits tell them how they need to change. A chunk of our ongoing political debates are variations of, “your life experience and group affiliations are different from mine, so how can you possibly understand what the right choice for me is?”
And this bonehead move is illustrative of the extent to which pettiness drives his foreign policy - as it does pretty much everything else:

Denmark's prime minister said Wednesday she was "disappointed and surprised" that President Donald Trump abruptly cancelled an upcoming visit after she called his idea of buying Greenland "absurd."
Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said the president could still come, though, telling reporters in the capital, Copenhagen, that "the invitation for a stronger strategic cooperation with the Americans in the Arctic is still open," the Associated Press reported.
The White House had said that Trump would travel to Denmark and Poland over the Labor Day weekend, but Trump wrote in a tweet Tuesday night that he would postpone the Denmark leg after the Frederiksen dismissed his suggestion that the United States was interested in purchasing Greenland.
"Based on Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen’s comments, that she would have no interest in discussing the purchase of Greenland, I will be postponing our meeting," Trump tweeted.
Seriously, WTF?

I have mentioned Wayne Allyn Root a few times on LITD when discussing the VSG's most disgusting bootlickers. If I'm recalling correctly, I once suggested that Root would like to fellate Squirrel-Hair live on his radio show.

Well, Root went on a Twitter gush-fest which may be his most nauseating yet, and the VSG saw fit to retweet the whole thing:

“Thank you to Wayne Allyn Root for the very nice words. “President Trump is the greatest President for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world, not just America, he is the best President for Israel in the history of the world...and the Jewish people in Israel love him....

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