Monday, October 6, 2014

SCOTUS takes a pass

I think Ben Shapiro at Breitbart zeroes in on what's really happening here:

[The Supreme Court] will wait until the time is right, then declare same-sex marriage the law of the land. They have already given lower courts precisely the tools with which to create an “emerging consensus.” Last year, the Court ruled that state attorneys general could simply refuse to defend state laws in favor of traditional marriage, thereby allowing the executive branch of state government to completely destroy law it doesn’t like. The Court furthermore set the predicate for future same-sex marriage rulings in United States v. Windsor, in which, as Scalia summarized, the Court declared “anyone opposed to same-sex marriage an enemy of human decency.”
This is the beauty of Supreme Court doctrine: they don’t even have to do their judicial dirty work anymore. They can rely on lower-level courts to violate the Constitution, then declare the Constitution magically changed because of an “emerging” consensus on violating the Constitution.
And the people have no recourse. They cannot pass laws that for two and a half centuries have been fully Constitutional. They cannot fight state attorneys general who betray their voters. They must sit by as the courts play legal games while awaiting the great Obama-esque “evolution” – an evolution that is almost entirely top-down, and that will then be dictated to us by our betters.
I also once again think the rapidity with which this notion of changing the definition of this basic term (marriage) has imposed itself on society needs to be noted.  History books on the subject years from now, assuming the totalitarian state will permit them to be written, will no doubt observe that there has never been such a fundamental change in the notion of societal organization in so short a time.

Shredding the Constitution in order to blow up the notion of fixed male and female human natures.  Quite a twofer.

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