Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Playin' ugly

Freedom-Haters think the race card is so effective that they don't even have to use it truthfully:

Trayvon Marin was shot dead in February 2012 after jumping a neighborhood watchman. The shooter, George Zimmerman, suffered a fractured nose and lacerations on the back of her head. Zimmerman was charged with second degree murder but was found not guilty by a Florida jury. 
This week Harry Reid’s Super PAC tied Republican Senate candidate Thom Tillis to the death of Trayvon Martin in an attempt to motivate black voters to get out and vote.
“Tillis won’t fight for us,” the ad says, per the New Yorker. “Instead, he made it harder for communities of color to vote, by restricting early voting and voter registration. Tillis even led the effort to pass the type of ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws that caused the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.”
National Review says the ad is not only extremely ugly, it is also flatly dishonest.
Stand You Ground had absolutely nothing to do with Trayvon Martin’s death. And nor, for that matter, did George Zimmerman even hint at invoking the defense.
But, Harry Reid does not value facts – he values any lie that will motivate Democrats to get out and vote.

This is the kind of human being - I use the term loosely - who has the gall to ask for your vote to let him / her govern you.

Vote next Tuesday, and vote Republican.  Otherwise, you're the enemy.

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