Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Cattle nation

Remember my post below linking to the video taken on the George Mason University campus in which students were asked pop-culture questions and then asked what Benghazi is and why it's significant?

Millennials may not know much about US national security and foreign policy, but are they ever puffed up with an attitude of self-congratulation about how much they "care."

Bryan Preston at PJ Media displays in graph form the results of a survey conducted by Harstad Strategic Research.  It's depressing as hell.




A generation of Julias.

Preston lays out the implications:

It’s a pity that the millennials are seldom shown the consequences of all that government activism.
One of those consequences is a loss of personal freedom. The more power you give to government, the more power you take away from yourself and your own generation. The more power you send to Washington, the less power you keep in your neighborhood, your city and your state. Once you give power away, it’s very very hard to get it back.
Another consequence is a loss of your own money, supposing that you have any. The progressive worldview sounds good until you ask one question: “Who is paying for all of this?”
Millennials will find out that they are paying for it, eventually. They are paying for the excesses of academia right now, with its overpaid deans and arrogant tenured professors who haven’t set foot in the real world since the Carter administration, in those expensive student loans in useless disciplines that they can’t pay off. They are paying for excessive government power right now, in the form of those jobs that Obamacare is killing, and those jobs that are being strangled to death by high taxes and energy prices, jobs that are now not available to millennials. Raising the minimum wage will only make entry-level jobs more scarce.
In the long term, millennials will end up paying for the unaffordable and unsustainable largess that government activist hero Barack Obama and his merry band of generational thieves are racking up right now. His generosity with other people’s money today is a bill that millennials will be stuck with tomorrow.

How many of them can name the authors of the Federalist Papers?  How many of them can tell you what ideas in Locke's Second Treatise of Government have had a lasting influence on Western political thought?

No, they just want to get an internship and a degree and become bureaucratic little statists and care their shallow asses off.  Serve on the local human rights council.  Go to opening-night receptions for recycled-material art shows.  Do a little mountain biking.  Drink some artisan-crafted microbrews.

Signing up for a cow's life at the outset of their adulthood.

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