Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Yes, it's just another example of how Harry Reid has come completely unhinged, but his position and what he's proposing make it a serious matter

Sister Toldjah on the fact that, while Reid's call for a Constitutional amendment specifically aimed at silencing the Koch brothers will go nowhere, it brings what until recently was the world's most serious legislative chamber alarmingly close to endorsing very un-American ideas:

What is disturbing, however, is Reid and the Democrats’ willingness to put themselves on record as willing to curb our fundamental freedoms, free speech being a natural, unalienable right, in pursuit of short-term electoral goals. It’s emblematic of progressivism, which sees the Constitution as obsolete, and of the Democrats’ predilection for putting their narrow electoral interests ahead of the nation’s well-being — for instance, undercutting American forces even before they enter battle in order to oppose a Republican president. It’s not new, however; we’ve seen plenty of examples in recent years of anti-democratic Democrats, such as former Governor Perdue of North Carolina suggesting thatcongressional elections be delayed, something not even done during the Civil War, largely because her party was set to do poorly.
It’s not that this amendment would be unconstitutional –by the nature of the process, ratification would make it part of the Constitution and therefore “constitutional”– but its very nature is profoundly and disturbingly anti-constitutional, striking at the concepts of natural rights that are foundational to the Republic. Political speech must be free to have any meaning at all, and that includes expressing your political opinions by donating money and time or other property to further a cause or support a candidate. That the Democrats would think of attacking this fundamental freedom in order to excite their base speaks of a deep rot within their party (2), something that should concern us all.

But thinking about it they are.

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