Tuesday, May 20, 2014

And this is at George Mason University, for cryin' out loud

A random sampling of students on campus can readily answer questions about pop culture, but to a person, not one of them knows what Benghazi is, let alone its current significance.


  1. Maybe they are in 'what difference does it make' mode. What difference does it really make? Same shit, different day. What do you want, some "Remember the Maine' moment?

  2. I want American citizens who take their citizenship seriously. As in understanding that there is a worldwide network of jihadists plotting relentlessly to murder us in our beds.

  3. And that we have a "president" who is trying to suppress that fact because it makes him look bad politically and further damages whatever shameful "legacy" he is going to have.

  4. Benghazi is more about shaming and discrediting those in power now who were elected to stop the crap done by those in power then. Shit happens in worldwide jihad. You can't put a microscope on every violent incident. War sucks and that is why you have doves in power now. So, essentially, blame your ilk and their preemptivity and overreactioning which obviously did not come off too well with our citizenry, nay, the world family at large.
