Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Only the Most Equal Comrade could use the opportunity to say he believes America's exceptional to badmouth it - and lie doing so

Still bashing the country he rules:

During his foreign policy speech at West Point Barack Obama dropped this stunning line.NPR says it was directed at his critics:
In a direct challenge to his critics, Obama declared: “I believe in American exceptionalism with every fiber of my being. But what makes us exceptional is not our ability to flout international norms and the rule of law; it’s our willingness to affirm them through our actions.”
So when has the US flouted international norms and the rule of law, Mr. President?

Dog vomit where his soul should be.


  1. Oh no, not US, perhaps it was a veiled barb at Putin. He thinks his Russia is every bit as exceptional as we like to think we are. And with a history going back to when there were only savages here. Don't look now but China knows it is exceptional too. Lots more wannabes and has beens/will be agains too on our tiny globe too. Of course you can clearly see where this all still leads to. It is quite good for arms sales.

  2. Hopefully this particular nation-state can once again become the United States of America and be a force for freedom and advancement, and be the resolute leader it was prior to its hijacking.

  3. Maybe we can engage those uppity countries in some war games sometime, somewhere again to remind them who's the Greatest! All the other ones we've fought over the past 60 years have been such rousing successes.

  4. He's like Ike!

  5. "For hawks, the story of the last 75 years goes something like this: From Franklin Roosevelt through Harry Truman through John F. Kennedy, the United States pursued a muscular, internationalist and moral foreign policy. Then, because of Vietnam, America’s leaders lost faith in American might and American ideals. As a result, the Soviet Union began to win the Cold War, until Ronald Reagan rebuilt American power and American pride, and the Cold War was won. Now, as a result of Afghanistan and Iraq, another American leader—Obama—is losing faith in American power. The enemies of freedom are again gaining strength. And they will keep gaining strength until a new Reagan saves the day.

    For Obama, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan reveal a recurring pattern of American hubris. In this narrative, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan don’t matter much in and of themselves. They were either winnable wars lost through a failure of will or honest mistakes that say nothing important about the limits or fallibility of American power. The problem isn’t the wars themselves. It’s the way American leaders reacted to them."

    1. "For Obama, by contrast, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan are not aberrations. They reveal a recurring pattern of American hubris. “Since World War II,” he told the cadets, “some of our most costly mistakes came not from our restraint but from our willingness to rush into military adventures without thinking through the consequences.” For Obama, that hubris stems from an excessive fear of America’s enemies, who America can generally defeat by building alliances and harnessing our democratic legitimacy and economic strength, as the United States is doing in Ukraine. And it stems from an excessive faith in war, which once unleashed often spirals out of America’s control. It’s no surprise that at West Point, Obama yet again quoted Dwight Eisenhower. Like Obama, Eisenhower spent much of his presidency arguing against critics who claimed that the United States needed to spend more on defense, or intervene more militarily, because America’s enemies were gaining ground. Ike never believed that. He worried less that the Soviet Union would vanquish the U.S. militarily than that it would provoke an overreaction that bankrupted America economically. The Soviets, he argued, “have hoped to force upon America and the free world an unbearable security burden leading to economic disaster.”

  6. You're damn right the MEC sees preceding US foreign policy as hubris. He has no interest in defending freedom. That's why he's so poisonous and dangerous. This pooh-pooing of "excessive fears" is going to get our cities incinerated.

  7. If bad guys don't fear you, your days are numbered.
