Wednesday, September 25, 2013


His speech went over 21 hours and then he immediately went on Rush Limbaugh's show to make the case some more.  Said he was going to get a little shut-eye and then head back to the Senate chamber.

Loving freedom requires courage, particularly in history's darker periods.  The signers of the Declaration knew they risked getting shot or having their farms burned.  Freedom Riders knew that German shepherds and fire hoses were part of the bargain.  More recently, Sarah Palin knew that the vilest insults to her daughters were inevitable.  Now it's Ted's turn.

What he embodies is the understanding that there comes a point when strategic calculation and careful weighing of contingencies are inadequate weapons against tyranny.

You know what the Pub establishment reminds me of?  The Ellsworth M. Toohey character in The Fountainhead.  He was the big-shot architecture critic who tries to dissuade newspaper publisher Gayle Wynand from using Howard Roarke as the designer for his new high-rise office building.  When Wynand protested that, even though Roarke had his enemies, he was nearly universally recognized as the most gifted architect of his time,  Toohey said that was precisely the argument against him.  His selection would pose way too serious a challenge to the mediocre status quo.

Ted accomplished exactly what he intended to.  Somewhere in this world, there is an elected Republican official who does not compromise, whose singular commitment to the vision of restored American freedom animates his every breath.  That gives hope to the rest of us warriors that we wouldn't have otherwise.


  1. You must compromise unless your vision is universally shared. The ACA is a compromise. It is the Heritage Foundation's plan which they later scrapped. It is not universal coverage as now offered by nearly every other country in the industrial world. It Is also nearly identical to Romneycare in Mass. and there are enough people in that state satisfied with that plan that it does not look like anybody, including your beloved Ted, is going to be successful in overturning it there. Ted Cruz is a freshman Senator born in a foreign land that, lol, offers universal health care coverage to its citizens. He came to the Senate in January acting like the prosecutor he was in his former job and has alienated so many people that it is hard to imagine him winning enough of the national vote to become president and you call that our loss, not his. He wasn't around when the ACA was voted on and he is out of line trying to stop this legislation now less than a week before it becomes law. The Green Eggs & Ham stuff was a cute touch though. Go forth and be an asshole to everyone who does not agree with you, see how many friends you win and people you influence.

  2. John McCain not amused by Ted Cruz’s Nazi analogy

    Ted Cruz compared his Republican detractors to Nazi appeasers. John McCain, a Cruz detractor, was not amused


  3. Ahh but you prob detest Boozmen (R Ark) as well, but he's only human and he too has had enough of Ted.

    "Staring at Cruz, Boozman said he hasn’t been bullied since the seventh grade and he wouldn’t be bullied now. Several Republicans cheered Boozman and one quipped: “A sleeping bear had been awoken.”

    Asked for comment Wednesday, Boozman said: “I really don’t comment about closed-door meetings.”


  4. THe point of Freedom-Hater-care is quite clear at this point. The reason the penalty to healthy young people for not buying insurance for the first few years is so low is to get them to exercise that option. In that time, private insurance companies aren't selling policies, and when the penalty finally starts to have some bite, there will be no place to go for insurance but the government. Single payer by fiat.

  5. Do you know anyone benefitng from a single payer plan?
