Saturday, September 28, 2013

The next step

I'm really starting to like Tom Graves, the House member from Georgia who strived for a defund-it-now approach in his own chamber.  Since that's no longer an option due to a failure of will in the Senate, he's now crafted a plan to delay FHer-care entirely for two years.  Should sound reasonable to anyone other than those with complete disregard for how badly America hates this law.

Stay united, House Pubs!


  1. I say try it for 3, then we might just have the largest voter turn out in history for the 2016 elections. You act like you are bargaining from some position of strength. ACA is law, constitutionally sound law. It can be repealed, but going at it in the manner of some sort of furious goal line stand is not the way to do it. You will leave more resentment in your wake than Obama left for you to try to surf on. You call the Dems freedom haters. You do realize they are starting to call you self-described patriots traitors.

  2. Did you realize you used the word "reasonable" in your last sentence?
