Thursday, September 5, 2013

Not the same

Freedom-Haters have long tried to equate Romneycare and FHer-care.  Not applicable, according to a study conducted by University of Chicago economist Carey B. Mulligan and published in the New York Times, there are significant differences:

"It follows that the effect of the Affordable Care Act on employment and work hours would be roughly 12 times as great as the effect of the Massachusetts law," writes Mulligan. "The bottom line was that it was wrong to expect the two laws to have had the same effects."
Mulligan added: "Call me gloomy, but I'm one economist who thinks that adding, on average, five percentage points to marginal tax rates will noticeably depress the labor market, while adding a few tenths of a point in Massachusetts did not."

Repeal it now.


  1. Proof that social ins. can work better, eh?

  2. Let's try a normal-people free-market approach to Americans caring for their health.
