Sunday, September 1, 2013

The diminishing of American stature on the world stage is on purpose - today's edition

The MEC's conviction, that he formed early on in his ideological development, that the United States is too big for its britches and needs to be taken down a couple of pegs in terms of its position among the world's nations is bearing fruit.  The Assad regime is having a good laugh over the abrupt change in course that resulted from the furrowed-brow stroll on the South Lawn with the chief of staff that resulted in a stunned national-security team having to clear its collective throat and completely regroup.

It's all fine with the Most Equal Comrade.  Western civilization had it coming.


  1. You seem to forget the damage done by Bush. May I submit this reminder from the Krauts in Der Spiegel on 10/13/08 here:

    "Polls taken in recent years show a precipitous decline in respect for and trust in the United States. Those two essential ingredients for leadership of the international community have been severely damaged during the administration of George W. Bush."


  2. I'm well aware that Europe didn't take kindly to W's leadership style, but they can't even bring themselves to respect the MEC.

  3. Truth is Obama has had to deal with 2 negative legacies of the Bush era, the US economy & diminished respect from the rest of the world. Why is it that these two ongoing issues are now supposedly intentional?

  4. Because he made them exponentially worse with his declinist ideology.

  5. Still ain't buyin' your theory. Preposterous to me.

  6. Oh, so we don't have $17 trillion on debt, double-digit black unemployment, one in six Americans on food stamps, Russia working against us on situations ranging from Iran to Syria to missile defense, and NATO taking a pass on what the MEC wants to do about Syria?

  7. Ask Obama if he likes this. Of course he will lie though, won't he? What an evil genius! Have you forgotten that Bush's Iraq foray split NATO? Haven't seen any real recent polls, but as late as the election last Nov. they showed that a majority still blamed Bush for the bad economy. I think you are full of shit that this is intentional. But if it is, as I say, what an evil genius that Obama is!

  8. You couldn't bring us to this juncture unless you were trying to.

  9. And, although it's brought up so much by talk-show hosts that it can seem like a mind-numbing talking point, it's useful to review his influences and associates: Saul Alinsky, Harry Boyte Greg Galuzzo, Heather Booth, Robert Creamer, Father Pflager, Jeremiah Wright. These are people who utterly despise the foundations of American greatness.
