Wednesday, May 8, 2013

When your rivals, adversaries and enemies smell weakness, they treat you with contempt

Putin keeps Secretary Global Test waiting three hours in Moscow for talks about Syria.


  1. 'Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak. “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer” ― Sun Tzu

  2. WWJBD, as in What Would John Bolton do?

  3. Like the article says, the Boltonesque way to deal with it would be to leave after half an hour and have your people get back with his and say, "So sorry this couldn't happen. Perhaps we'll try again some time."

  4. Oh, what I took from the article was that we should turn the other cheek, er butt cheek, but I am considering that the source is just another tough squakin' hawk, how can the Peace of the Lord lie with such behavior?

    "Turnabout is fair play. Next time the Russian ambassador to the US comes to the state department to meet with Kerry, he should be kept waiting 4 hours. It won't happen - a blue blood like Kerry doesn't have the gut instincts of a street fighter that Putin has."

  5. You don't hand your balls to those who don't have any regard for your interests and say, "Here's lunch."

  6. I love it when you growl like Patton.
