Friday, May 10, 2013

With due respect to some savvy observers, Benghazi will not blow over and be forgotten

Yes, I'm aware that there are those whose pro-freedom / pro-hope-for-America bona fides are beyond question who, with regard to theBenghazi scandal, have basically thrown in the towel.  Neal Boortz, in a Townhall column, and Rush, on his radio show yesterday, both said that the combination of a sycophantic media machine and a low-information public will be sufficient to render this debacle inconsequential.

I'm not there yet.  This is big, and no amount of snark, obfuscation and denial from the likes of John Stewart, Rachel Maddow and Eugene Robinson will diminish its actual magnitude.

For one thing, Jonathan Karl at ABC backs up and expands upon the talking-points revision timeline exposed by The Weekly Standard's Steven Hayes.  Then there's the employment of jihadists to guard the consulate.  There is the State Department's attempt to keep Greg Hicks from meeting with Utah Congressman Jason Chavetz.

Questions for the Freedom-Haters in paragraph two:  How is it some kind of partisan spin to disseminate these indisputable facts as widely as possible?  In what kind of "context" could these facts be made to seem acceptable?

Hillary Clinton baldly lied about a jihadist attack that left four people for whom she was responsible dead.  The president of whatever this country should now be called put out a false narrative at an address to the whole world at the podium of the UN General Assembly.

You can talk gun control, amnesty for illegal aliens, the homosexual agenda, bankrupt "green" "companies," prohibition of Christian faith-sharing in the military, Common Core, the debt and deficit, the unfunded liabilities of "entitlements," and lavish White House parties.  But we've got the clearest one of all here.  The rot at the core of Leftism is stinking in the full light of day.

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