Wednesday, May 22, 2013

There's a point when squishiness morphs into disgrace

The embodiment of this phenomenon is John McCain, the ultimate RINO / Reasonable Gentleman, someone who should never have entered political life due to the fact that he wouldn't understand conservative principles if they bit him on the ass.

The Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations is trying to make an example out of Apple, Inc., one of the most successful and landscape-changing companies in American history, because it takes the profits that it legally can offshore to protect them from taxation.  Mind you, Apple already pays a whopping tax burden on the profits it does have here.

Rand Paul courageously spoke to the Apple executives at yesterday's hearing, telling them that if the subcommittee had any decency, it would quit bullying the company and apologize.

McCain then went after Paul, calling his remarks "offensive."


  1. Are you suggesting that anyone who does not understand conservative principles (or espouse them?) should not enter political life? He is a pretty intelligent man, you cannot be accepted at Annapolis without this quality, so I seriously doubt he does not understand, he just is not one. The "other" you will always have with you. As for these hearings, well, they come and go on their own time, but, this is a bad time for the taxman to rip on anyone.
