Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The post-American equivalent of the Stasi

Linchpins of Liberty, a Tennessee-based educational group that presents conservative principles to high school and college students - and is not part of any Tea Party network  - applied for tax-exempt status from the IRS.  That agency responded with 90 questions that it demanded answers to, including the names of anybody who had ever been in its workshops.

That question was part of the tax collection agency's February 14, 2012 letter to Kevin Kookogey. founder of the group Linchpins of Liberty. He had submitted his application 13 months earlier.
'Can you imagine my responsibility to parents if I disclosed the names of their children to the IRS?' he asked MailOnline.
It's 'an impossible question to answer fully and truthfully,' he said, 'without disclosing the names of anyone I ever taught, or would ever teach, including students.'

Consider the agency's increased reach once it becomes the instrument of enforcing Freedom Hater-care. 

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