Friday, May 24, 2013

The thug tactics of the culture-destroyers

At the meeting at which the Boy Scouts voted to admit openly gay boys, a guy tried to distribute copies of an ad that had run in the Dallas Morning News opposing the move.  He was confronted by BSA officials and a law-enforcement person and escorted out of the hotel.  Turns out the FeEx shop where he'd copied the ad tipped off those in charge of the meeting.


  1. Perhaps you need some desensitization. I was desensitized when my children unknowingly planned a Disney outing with grandchildren (who did not notice, I don't think) during Gay Days, 2 years ago. I must admit, though, my happiest moment of the day was putting the key in the ignition for the drive home. Part of that was that the heat was so hot. I guess every other days are Hetero Days (breeders, with children).Have you ever been dethensizized? Well, I have...

  2. Not necessarily stoned, but . . . . beautiful
