Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Ted Cruz is one of the ten coolest living Americans - today's edition

Says he doesn't trust Pubs appreciably more than he does FHers.  Says taking budget talks to a House - Senate conference doesn't amount to diddly unless Pubs stand firm on a debt ceiling.

Damn it, at some point, we quit spending pretend money.


  1. Ted Cruz needs personality training in how to win friends and influence voters, coming on like an asshole as strongly prosecutorily as he is and does only alienates your detested reasonable folk while it gains him points with you and your ilk. (I'm sure his publicist has tried to tell him so).

  2. No, he needs nothing of the sort. He has the most refreshing personality to enter the US Congress in decades. I wish fervently we had a slew more like him.

  3. He needs an attitude makeover, Perhaps viewing old Firing Lines would help. Bad cops never win big elections. But they dig their dicks in TX. Johnson was a dick too but he had to change in the Oval Office.

  4. Johnson was a schemer with no moral core. A completely different type of person from Ted Cruz

  5. Perhaps they should erect a billboard on the Interprovince near Calgary, Alberta, proclaiming it as the Place Where Cool was Reborn!
