Friday, August 31, 2012

We're supposed to be best allies with this nation

Israel may not be able to wait to deal with Iran's nuclear program forcefully, but it will have to wait until January to have a friend in the White House.

House member Mike Rogers (R-MI) says he "watched in stunned silence" a shouting match between Bibi Netanyahu and US ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro in Jerusalem, as Bibi trie to impress upon Shapiro that time had run out due to the MEC regime's failure to come up with a diplomatic means of putting the squelch on Iran's program.


  1. We are best allies with this nation, have repeatedly told them we got their back, it's just that, well, we call the shots, not Netanyahu. Of course if he thinks Tims has run out, he can preempt on his own. We have already been there, done that, to largely disastrous results.

  2. It will truly be disastrous if Iran gets a nuclear arsenal.

  3. The American ambassador is said to have responded politely but firmly, telling Netanyahu that he was distorting Obama's position. Obama promised not to allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons, he explained, and left all options on the table, including military options.

  4. While the bloggie would follow those retired Navy Seals,

    On Thursday, the U.S. military's top officer made statements which appear to warn Israel that it should not expect U.S. assistance if it chooses to attack Iran's nuclear weapons program.

    The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, said such an attack would “clearly delay but probably not destroy Iran's nuclear program.” He added: "I don't want to be complicit if they [Israel] choose to do it."

    Dempsey said he did not know Iran's nuclear intentions, since intelligence does not reveal intentions. What was clear, he said, was that the "international coalition" applying pressure on Iran "could be undone if [Iran] was attacked prematurely".

  5. And there is the shameful scaling back in participation with Israel in key joint exercises.

    It is now up to Israel to defend the West. Much like David's situation in Psalms: beseiged on all sides by enemies, and without a friend except almighty God.

  6. We have repeatedly repeated that we are their friend. Netanyahu can go in on his own then, but his friends say, not now. Who's running the show here? We embarked upon a course of internationally sanctioned sanctions and I don't recall Jesus ever blessing the warriors. Reread your beatitudes.
