Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tampa and Charlotte

Haven't been posting much over the past few days, have I?  Certainly the fact that it was a holiday weekend was a factor.  The main factor, though, continues to be the workload.  In fact, I only have a few minutes this morning to compose this and then it's back to cranking out articles.

I also have still not said a whole lot about the RNC in Tampa.  Enough time has now passed, enoough of the speeches are now on YouTube, and enough commentary from others has been disseminated that my reactions to specific moments would mostly have the ring of reduncancy.

Two words surface in my mind, though, as I digest the big picture of the entire convention: energy and virtue.

The Pubs have the electricity this year, as well as a field team and a deep bench full of fantastic people.  One of the main benefits of the convention was to give us a fuller understanding of who our presidential nominee is.  No, he was no my first choice.  Nor my second or third.  But until Tampa, I was not aware of what a thoughtful, generous, perceptive, multifacted guy he is.  His selection of Paul Ryan as running mate has proven to be sheer genius.  And, armed with the content and delivery style of all those marvelous speeches, we're ready to fight and win on the basis of ideas and principles.

FHers meet in Charlotte today with no such energy.  Yes, their platform is full of specifics, and there is a certain type of person who will call it bold.  In reality, it's full of planks and positions that were long ago proven to be unworkable and / or just plain mad.  Minimum wage, same-sex "marriage," flouting the law in the realm of immigration - these are not the stuff of a truly noble vision.

The overall message from the Pub confab was "the great principles are back - real family, common sense, recognition of the individual's potential for greatness."  It was delivered by people who live it personally - Mia Love, Nikki Haley. Paul Ryan.

All this supposed exaltation of unique identity- Transgendered!  Illegally here!  Sustainable and off the grid! - is really in the service of the great leveling effect of leftism.  All that superficial navel-gazing is only possible with the support of government largesse.  The overall message that America will pick up from Charlotte this week is more  of the same nightmare we've been experiencing for four years, and, in some ways, for fifty years, and, in yet some more ways, for the last century: Most human beings need to be treated like cattle by a wise elite that can magically keep the gravy flowing, and it's prefectly alright that most of the gravy goes to them.


  1. "If Governor Romney would like to give back all the money he's earned from bankrupting companies and laying off employees over his years at Bain [Capital], then I would be glad to then listen to him," --Newt Gingrich

  2. "I've been Romney-boated.... Somebody who will lie to you to get to be president, will lie to you when they are president." --Newt Gingrich

  3. “If the campaign is about issues, we win. If it's about Mitt Romney's record as a businessman, then we don't win. If it's about Mitt Romney's tax returns, then we don't win. If it's about whether people like Mitt Romney more than Barack Obama, then we don't win.” --Rick Santorum

  4. “You win by giving people the opportunity to see a different vision for our country, not someone who's just going to be a little different than the person in there. If you're going to be a little different, we might as well stay with what we have instead of taking a risk with what may be the Etch A Sketch candidate of the future.”

    - Rick Santorum speculates that Americans might be better off sticking with President Obama than replacing him with Romney.

  5. “It really has to do with what your principles and what your core is. I have a core.... And that's a sharp contrast with Mitt Romney, who was for RomneyCare.... this is someone who doesn't have a core. He's been on both sides of almost every single issue in the past ten years.”

    - Rick Santorum bashes Romney on CBS's This Morning.

  6. “Now, I have no doubt Mitt Romney was worried about pink slips — whether he was going to have enough of them to hand out because his company, Bain Capital, of all the jobs that they killed,” “I’m sure he was worried that he would run out of pink slips.” --Rick Perry

  7. Romney “has an ankle bracelet named RomneyCare."--Herman Cain

  8. Hey, good luck with that elect-Barack Obama thing you are clearly into. Seriously, you are aware that LITD is on record as asserting that Mitt is seriously flawed. A few things about that: Paul Ryan, as a brilliant and principled conservative, more than makes up for Mitt's shortcomings, and it is imperative that the Most Equal Comrade and the FHer majority in the Senate be given the heave-ho regardless of the personal profiles of anyone in any aspect of this war.

  9. After you win this battle then we get your beloved Dick Cheney back too. That ain't gonna go down any better than it did the last time. Hey, I'm. All for your peomised prosperity. Bring it on.

  10. Word has it that approx. 30% of the old Cheney/Rummie (offensive co-coordinators) bench is ready to roll for the new offense. And what rough beasts (Bolton?) slouch towards Secy of State & Defense? Ole Johnny McCain sure gave a hawkish speech in Tampatown, did you catch it? I know your Netanyahu did, likely with a lust for those heady visions of immanent fireworks. Exceptional is as exceptional does. There is quite likely to be, and swiftly so, a return to the "not with us, against us" mentality so I spose I should be grateful for your ticket's virtuousness.
