Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Most Equal Comrade hates Western civilization - today's edition

Benjamin Netanyahu requested a meeting with the MEC when he comes to the US next week.  The White House turned him down.


  1. From Haaretz, Israel's oldest daily newspaper< founded in 1918:

    "One can well understand the reluctance of the White House to schedule a meeting between U.S. President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Israeli prime minister has made surprisingly little effort to hide his preferences for Obama’s rival in the upcoming U.S. presidential elections. He has repeatedly vented his disdain for Obama’s policy on Iran, both in private and in public, with ever-increasing abandon. Eight weeks before the elections, the last thing Obama needs is a potential public relations disaster in the form of a reprise of Netanyahu’s May 2011 upbraiding of the president in the Oval Office over the 1967 borders. For all Obama knows, Netanyahu might very well end his remarks by telling Americans that “it’s time for change” and flashing a placard of Romney."

  2. Interesting way to put it: "disdain for Obama's policy on Iran."
    Haaretz is the NYT of Israel.
    Putting ideological positioning above the obvious urgency of the moment, much less any regard for the historical implications of the MEC's display of disdain for Western civilization.

  3. Netanyahu has beem downright insulting. Fuck him!

  4. Netanyahu is the most heroic statesman on the world stage today.
