Friday, September 21, 2012

The autumn of our realized fears

For a few days I've had a big-picture-type post germinating inside me.  The reasons it hasn't sprouted yet (to continue my metaphor) are varied.  I've been busy once again with paid-writing work.  Along with the hired-gun magazine work, I have been preoccupied with the last opinion column of mine that will run before the election.  I wrote the first draft of it last Sunday and have been considering it all week, as well as seeing if subsequent developments on the world stage warranted a revision.  It's my last chance to reach that audience, and it is imperative that I knock it our of the park, that it be as point-blank-between-the-eyes as possible.  I think I succeeded.  I turned it in this morning.
The main reason, though, was that I've had to put my horror and disgust in proper perspective, so that such a post would be spot-on yet not unduly purple.
It's been quite a week, hasn't it?  The Susan Rice - Jay Carney narrative that the Benghazi torching / murders were merely a spontaneous protest that got our of hand has been thoroughly discredited by the Libyan president as well as witnesses on the scene.  And even though that's so, the Most Equal Comrade and the H-Word Creature felt compelled to pay for advertising time on Pakistani television to once again grovel sheepishly and implore the wild-eyed mobs there to refrain from their mayhem.
The flames of West-hatred burn worldwide now - from the Phillipines to Iraq to Germany.  This is about as urgent as it gets, folks.
We already know that the regime is full of cracks and fissures: rancor between and within departments, politics running roughshod over policy.  One has to believe that veteran professionals in capacities like defense and diplomacy are aghast.
We're not safe.  We're not safe from economic apocalypse, not from the threat of nuclear annihilation and not from jihadist conquest.
This regime has failed at its first Constitutional duty: to keep us safe.
Allowing the Democrat vision to get this far was the worst mistake a free people has ever made.

1 comment:

  1. The worst mistake a free people ever made? If this is the germ of the big picture you better enlarge it a tad. The Veep from 2001 to 2008 didn't even begin to run for the CIC slot in '08. Was up wi dat? Yet he won't shut up like he has any power beyond $$$. You types will be way past insufferable if you lose again this year. Rage on.
