Monday, August 20, 2012

What an administrative change in Egypt will do for its foreign policy

The Mubarak regime and the Sadat regime before it had no use for the Islamic regime in Iran.  It's going to be a little different now.  Morsi is headed to Tehran later this month for a state visit to "strengthen ties."  The announcement comes on the heels of Ahmadinejad's Israel-is-a-cancer-on-humanity-that-will-soon-be-removed remark.


  1. Maybe Obama will have a chance to wag the dog. Wouldn't that shake you up a bit? Think your beloved Seals can follow orders again?

  2. I've seen some wag-the-dog scenarios considered in some rightie-blog comment threads. I think the opposite is more likely. Israel zaps Iran's nuke facilities. Iran responds with a missile barrage - perhaps even tries out what it has achieved nuke-wise. And the MEC hems and haws, with fairly immediate chaotic results.

  3. Well, the hot dog Seals may think that too, but they better get their gear on and be good to go. Is it a bad thing that Obama is now threatening Syria?
