Wednesday, August 1, 2012

You do know the significance of this date, don't you?

August 1, 2012 will live in infamy as the day on which this regime's hatred of America's Judeo-Christian foundation was codified into law.  The HHS mandate requiring insurance companies to cover contraception and abortion-inducing drugs goes into effect.


  1. Just wondering what Israel's universal health care plan covers. Romney will fight to preserve their freedom to have it it seems. He praised their plan wile over there filling his campaign coffers. Israel just seems to do no wrong.

  2. But gotta give em credit for puttin the Judeo in the Christian heritage over here. Didn't they stone sexual sinners?

  3. Israel didn't enact socialist health care until 1986. It is plagued by debt and, given the current entrepreneurial climate in that country, it's probably on the way out.

    You haven't abandoned your faith, have you?

  4. Every body is plagued by debt these days.

    Never did follow IL Papa's dictates on birth control.

    Although Catholic Church leaders have transformed contraception into a culture war issue over the past few months, their position does not have the backing of the majority of Catholic adherents, especially when compared to the American public as a whole. The poll demonstrates that Catholic support for birth control is a mere 8 points below the 90 percent of non-Catholic Americans who have no moral objections to birth control.

    I hear the Israelis are very pleased with their arrangement. I only post links affirming my views because you try to tear them to shreds without attribution.

    When Israel declared its independence on May 14, 1948, a national health infrastructure was already in place. Traditional Zionist ethos emphasized society’s responsibility to provide for the welfare of the community in general, including in maintaining public health. The Jewish community prior to Israel’s statehood had already established a variety of services, such as mother and child care centers, which administered vaccines and instructed new mothers on proper childcare practices.

    While modern Israel is widely recognized for its high quality of health care and abundant contributions to medical and biological sciences, Israel’s health care system continues to embody its foundational consensus that society is responsible for health of citizens. Universal coverage became law in Israel in 1995; however, even before then, 96 percent of Israelis were insured.


    Israel Project (TIP) is a non-profit educational organization that gets facts about Israel and the Middle East to press, public officials and the public. The Israel Project is not affiliated with any government.

    Our team of trusted Middle East multi-lingual experts and former reporters provides journalists and leaders with fact sheets, backgrounders and sources. TIP regularly hosts press briefings featuring leading Israeli spokespeople and analysts that give journalists an opportunity to get information and answers to their questions face-to-face. By providing journalists with the facts, context and visuals they need, TIP causes hundreds of millions of people around the world to see a more positive public face of Israel. This helps protect Israel, reduce anti-Semitism and increase pride in Israel.

    Guaranteeing Equal Access: The Fundamentals

    Today, 100 percent of Israelis enjoy full health care coverage. All Israeli citizens – rich and poor, Arabs and Jews, men and women - are required to join one of four health care funds (in Hebrew ‘kupot holim,’ literally ‘sick funds’) and may choose to purchase other forms of supplementary health care. [5]
    •Clalit health fund (meaning ‘general’ in Hebrew), is Israel’s oldest and largest health insurance fund. Clalit was founded in 1911 and insures more than 54 percent of Israelis;

    •Maccabi health fund (named after the Israeli sports organization of the same name) was established in 1941 by immigrant German doctors and insures more than 23 percent of Israelis;

    •Meuhedet (‘United’ in Hebrew) health fund is the product of a 1974 merger of two smaller health funds that had existed from the 1930s. Meuchedet insures more than 12 percent of Israelis;

    •Leumit health fund (meaning ‘National’ in Hebrew), was founded in 1933 and insures slightly fewer than 10 percent of Israelis. [6]

    Perhaps after the great quashing of the great evil the Israelis will listen to their liberators, the conservatives, neoconservatives. Rich Mormons and Jewish-american casino magnate and other such similar types and will finally free themselves from the shackles of socialism.


    We've had this conversation before, and I provided the links. The Israeli health care system is unfunded. It runs deficits, as socialist health care always does.

  6. Your man Mitt sure gushed over it while over there pandering to Netanyahoo. They have a longstanding view of hjealthcare as a right for all. Commie bastards!

  7. When insurance companies run deficits they raise premiums. The Israelis are generally content with their universal health plans so their premium will have to be increased unless administrative costs can be cut commensurately. Are you aware of some groundswell of public opinion over there to toss their system now in favor of some sort of free market system which you folks itching to premptively strike their enemies might find acceptable? The concept of insurance is very socialistic: spreading the risk where the many pay smaller sums to pay unforseen losses suffered by the few. Do they have AM talk show hosts over there continually railing against the plan? Why would you want to expend our blood and treasure defending a nation of spineless sheep?

  8. As you know, Mitt Romney was never our first choice. HE has said several things over the years and, more to the point, this year, that concern me greatly. That's why we need a Tea Party Congress to constantly breathe down his neck. Ted Cruz, Jim DeMint, Allen west types.

    By "they" I assume you're referring to left-of-center Israelis. It would be way too much of a broad brush to ascribe one view of health care to all that nation's citizens.


    The system of kupot cholim, overall healthcare organizations from which a person can choose one, was set up by Jewish labor unions even before the founding of the state. In other words, it has a left-wing pedigree. The linked article, as well as others about the recent doctors strikes, drive home the extent to which doctors are treated as clock-punching employees of the government, and they don't like it one bit.

    Lots of Israelis also use their own money to do under-the-table transactions for procedures and treatments that are more advanced and expensive than those provided for in the official system. As is the case in any other country where people are not free to openly care for their health however they would like to.

  10. So what if it has a left wing pedigree. Their entire country has one, starting from Day I with the kibbutz. I understand that their universal plan has an 80 per cent overall approval rating in polls.

    Waht a difference a largely national committment to a universal plan makes, something that will likely never happen because the right has been fighting it for a
    Century and I'd venture to say are primarily responsible for the evidently FUBARRED bill Congress finally passed and still you fought, swore oaths to defeat it and now it's been heard before the Supreme Court and you lost. It's the law. Now, are we gonna try to make it work and to make it better as time goes on or is your side going to gleefully trash it and place obstacles in its way every step of the way. I'm certain of the latter. The first mass TP Rally (and I was there at our local one) came less than 3 mos after Obama's election and you haven't let up. You gleefully cheered when we lost the bid for the Olympics in Chicago, tried to get the Catholics to shun him at ND and it's just been the same old bitch bitch bitch, gripe gripe gripe day in day out all the way through. Maybe it will work and you will get another landslide victory but don't be surprised if close to half the country fights you on half the stunts you try to pull. Freedom lovers, my bippy. Look locally with our new Nazi mayor who is now going to preempt crime in the comunity. My wife says there's cops all over the place now, twice as many stops as before. The old Demo cop knew what he was doing running a police dept. This lady thinks she's gonna turn us into Westchester or something. Freedom lovers, oh yeah, right.

  11. The bottom line of this article will surely smell of reasonable gentleperson syndrome to you, Sir Blacknwhite:

    “Perhaps most interesting is how the systems have begun drifting ever so slightly toward each other,” concludes Kanel. “The US is expanding coverage, and Israel is offering more free-market choices to patients. So what we learn from each other is particularly timely.”

  12. Gee, I'm finding myself liking the things you hate about Israel more and more. What's up with that? I'm likely at best a reasonable gentleman to you.

  13. There may be a sense in which it's the law, although Roberts's reasoning was so tortured that it could be easily fought in a future case, but you are sadly mistaken if you think that's the end of the matter. Our bunch - the freedom-reservers - intend to kill it by legislative decree or executive order, per Mitt's pledge.

    You never except defeat when you are at war with tyranny.

  14. Pretty serious defeat there. Romney is panting {and pandering} for power unlike any candidate I can recall. If you can pass a bill in Congress and have the Supreme court affirm its constitutionality and then dispose of it that's not what this country has at all traditionally done. Besides, you and I got a serious preexisting condition called aging and the casino insurance system here that managed {and of copurse pilfered} our premiums of course don't want us. See ya out an the battllefield as we each go out to try to make it better....

  15. It sure is what this country has done. You see, it was founded on the idea that human beings are created free. We will repeal FHer-care and someday we will also reverse Roe v Wade.
