Tuesday, August 7, 2012

And you can be sure they'll go even lower before it's over

The new pro-MEC ad by super-PAC Priorities USA features a guy named Joe Soptic, who was laid off from the steel company GST and whose wife later died of cancer. 

There are several important facts to know about this situation, some of which, such as the time frame in which Romney's leaving Bain Capital, the plant closing, and the discover of the cancer.  It's about seven years from Event A to Event C. A lot of this has been discussed on blogs and talk radio today.

What I haven't seen was any discussion of why Bain Capital might have closed the plant (beyond Bob Beckel's silly rant on The Five about how Bain somehow milked it for a bunch of assets).

I herewith reprint a post from this blog from May that tells the story:

1.) Romney left Bain capital in 1999. The shutdown was in 2001.

2.) Here's who was still at Bain, though, and oversaw the outsourcing of the jobs: a major MEC campaign-fund bundler.

3.) The mill that was shut down was on the skids anyway, in no small part because it was busting its ass to try to comply with EPA standards.

4.) That mill was unionized. GTS's other mill, in Ft. Wayne, IN, is non-union and still making steel today

SUPREMELY IMPORTANT UPDATE: Soptic's wife continued to have a job and health insurance after he got laid off.


  1. Not gonna, no not gonna do it, defend Obama on this one. Saddest is that there are those out there mesmerized and so suggestible that considering the truth or falsity of an ad escapes them. There are likely more of these who will vote for Obama than Romney.

    Romney is a phony richy rich for sure. Not phony when it comes to his cryptic Mormonism but who would know, it's a non-issue.

  2. A Critic at Large

    I, Nephi

    Mormonism and its meanings.

    by Adam Gopnik August 13, 2012

    Read more http://www.newyorker.com/arts/critics/atlarge/2012/08/13/120813crat_atlarge_gopnik#ixzz22uHbbt9b

  3. I find Mormonism somewhat weird, but I find Adam Gopnik repellent.

  4. But thank you for recognizing that the MEC campaign is getting desperate and commensurately disgusting.
