Sunday, August 12, 2012

Obviously the right pick

The crowd quickly achieved overflow status in North Carolina.


  1. nd I too initially thought of James Danforth Quayle of Huntington, IN, oh what a big day it was in that small town 24 years ago...

    Initially, Ryan reminded me of Quayle, doing a little whooping and cheerleading as he walked to and then stood before a microphone. But, as he got into his remarks, it was clear that Ryan is no Dan Quayle. In comparison to Quayle, Ryan could be judged a success if he simply gets through his acceptance speech with a little maturity — and he showed more than a little of that in his introduction this morning.

    In fact, Joe Biden is likely to realize rather quickly — probably well in advance of the vice presidential debate in a couple of months — that Ryan is no Sarah Palin, either. Palin's lack of knowledge on key issues was widely ridiculed, but nothing remotely like that could be said of Paul Ryan.

  2. Reasonable too, voted for TARP and the auto bail-out, both of which you have trashed non-stop here. But I'm sure you (and I already know his) have a good explanation for that. Let us not forget though, thatRomney is the chief explianer, explaining away all his past record in favor of his new agenda which, pant pant, will separate him from Obama and get him elected.
