Friday, August 3, 2012

It moves the MEC's agenda of planned decline forward on two fronts

Those would be

a.) diminishing America's stature in the world and ability to lead

b.) turning the American people into gaunt, underfed cattle willing to be herded anywhere if there's the prospect of a small pale of daily gruel

WSJ's Kimberly Strassel on what the defense-fund sequester is doing to already-dismal jobs numbers.  And what's up with the Department of Labor telling defense contractors "just hold off on sending those pink slips out 60 days out"?


  1. Heard David Wessel, WSJ Economics Editor discussing his new book entitled "Red Ink: Inside the High Stakes Politics of the Federal Budget" with Terry Gross on NPR recently. He ascribes the deficit as being the result of a combination of factors which you have likely heard before, certainly the effect of huge defense spending on 2 preemptive wars on 2 fronts is a considerable factor. Your continual charge that this all intentional on the part of the Obama camp is a base mischaracterization. It's not all black and white regarding how we have come to this serious situation where we are awash in red ink.

  2. Sorry. You're wrong on all accounts. This country never ran up deficits like these - $1.4 trillion in 2009; $1.3 trillion in 2010; $1.3 trillion in 2011; and an estimated $1.2 trillion in 2012 - before this regime began its rule. We never had anything remotely approaching $15 trillion dollars in debt.

    You don't do that kind of damage unles you intend to.

    It is all black and white. Our government has taken on a caretaker role, making us a nation of Julias (the protagonist of that Powerpoint propaganda piece), and that's what is sending us over the fiscal cliff.

    We could afford to fight our wars if the government wasn't extending itself into all kinds of areas beyond its Constitutional purview - such as health care.
