Friday, August 10, 2012

"A dependent population is an obedient population"

Today's required reading: an Investors Business Daily editorial with a ltany of stats for such things as the number of Americans receiving some sort of welfare, the number that have filed for Social Security disability, the number who die with less than $10,000 in assets.

You bet it's on purpose.


  1. Let us examine the sad situation in Dalton, GA. Now this shows th true genius of the evil regime. Why dost thou fear for our national defense? If the Obamaites can fuck up a city like this peacefully, surely they can fuck the Middle East with a little more vision and resolve without dropping a single bomb.

    Eight years ago, times were great for Dalton. In April 2004, it had an unemployment rate of 3.3 percent, the lowest in the past decade.

    In June of this year, the rate was 12.3 percent.

    And many of those jobs aren't coming back. Dalton thrived on its carpet and floorcovering industry and manufacturers had more jobs than the city had workers. But the housing slump and a shift from soft floorcoverings to hardwood floors over the past five years plummeted the demand for carpet. New technologies also eliminated the need for many of those who worked in Dalton's carpet mills.

    One problem is that Dalton concentrated too much on the carpet and floorcovering industries instead of broadening its base, said Elyse Cochran, executive director of economic development for the Dalton Chamber of Commerce and the Dalton/Whitfield Joint Development Authority.

  2. Adaptability is a must in a world characterized by the creative destruction Joseph Schumpeter so ably pointed out.

  3. Well, is the case of Dalton, GA, on purpose? Get another line, will ya, it only alienates your readers because it is a damnable lie. And lose the dog vomit imagery, but you won't.

  4. But if Romney-Ryan loses you get to continue to carp that it is due to a dependent obedient population. What a wizard, that Obama, what miracle workers, those Dems, oh what a spell they have worked on all the sheep here and it took less than 4 years to do it.

  5. Well, not miracles, but a level of vulgarity, viciousness and dishonesty not before seen in modern America.

    The Dalton case doesn't appear to be an example of deliberately ruining the economy so much as the natural evolution of the carpet industry.

    On the other hand, the 42 months of 8-plus percent unemplyment, the one in seven Americans on food stamps, the 107 million Americans on some form of welfare, the 15 trillion dollar debt, the collapse of the coal industry, the nixing of the Keystone XL pipeline are clearly manifestations of the planned decline that is the core of the MEC's vision for America.

  6. "We will help care for those who cannot care for themselves, and we will return work to welfare. As poverty has risen to historic and tragic levels, with nearly one out of six Americans now having fallen into poverty, we will act to bring these families into the middle class. Unlike the current president who has cut Medicare funding by $700 billion, we will preserve and protect Medicare and Social Security. Under the current president, healthcare has only become more expensive. We will reform healthcare so that more Americans have access to affordable healthcare, and we will get that started by repealing and replacing Obamacare." --Mitt Romney introducing Rep. Paul Ryan as his VP choice, 8/11/12

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Sounds like the same herd, different shepherds there. Baah!!!!
