Friday, July 1, 2016

Secretary Global-Test makes it more likely that we'll all get murdered in our beds

Scott Johnson at Power Line draws our attention to just how untethered to anything resembling reality Global-Test's view of how human nature plays itself out in world affairs is:

In the annals of mewling idiocy emanating from Foggy Bottom, Secretary of State John Kerry must be given pride of place. Speaking to his friends at the Aspen Ideas Festival earlier this week, he contributed in a major way to man-made global warming. It was in his remarks at the festival that Kerry declared ISIS’s Istanbul massacre a sign of our success: 
Now, yes, you can bomb an airport. You can blow yourself up. That’s the tragedy. Daesh and others like it know that we have to get it right 24/7/365. They have to get it right for 10 minutes or one hour. So it’s a very different scale. And if you’re desperate and if you know you’re losing and you know you want to give up your life, then obviously you can do some harm.
Kerry also declared our deal with Iran a great success: “Because of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Iran’s path to actually building a bomb has been closed off…” It’s painful. Does he believe his own bluster?

Johnson goes on to report on what G-T told the crowd at the Aspen Ideas Festival (doesn't that sequence of words have a particularly exquisite odor to it?) the three greatest challenges of our time are: combatting "violent extremism," addressing "climate change," and getting "leaders everywhere to cooperate."

The damage that will someday need to be undone is inflicted by the hour.

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