Friday, December 5, 2014

In NYC, de Blasio causes the rawest of feelings between City Hall and the police department

He of the 1980s solidarity junkets to Sandinista Nicaragua and the 1991 honeymoon in Cuba, has managed to alienate pretty much the entire NYPD:

The city is in turmoil over the Staten Island case and the mayor throws gasoline on the fire by painting the entire police force as a bunch of white racist brutes. Has he no shame?
He certainly has no facts. In addition to the not-so-minor detail that the police force is now an impressive mix of races and ethnic groups, crime statistics leave no doubt that any harm to befall Dante de Blasio likely would come from another nonwhite, non-cop male. Those stats show that, year in, year out, about 90 percent of homicides involve a nonwhite man killing another nonwhite man.
That is the most compelling fact of murder, yet it’s the one de Blasio and his fellow travelers on the loony left never mention. To do so would require them to acknowledge the disproportionate levels of hideous violence that continue to ravage innocent people in black and Latino neighborhoods.
The mayor and his ilk don’t have the courage to confront that heartbreaking crisis, so they take the easy and ideologically convenient course of attacking cops, as though they committed the 330 murders in the city last year.
“We need a mayor to stand up with and for us,” police- union head Pat Lynch said yesterday. He said his members feel as if de Blasio is “throwing them under the bus.”
That’s exactly what he’s doing, but the cops have plenty of company under the wheels. For in trashing them, de Blasio abandons any pretext that he is the mayor of all New Yorkers. He has sliced and diced the city, and decided that he will represent only the small piece that voted for him. Everybody else can take a hike, or get under the bus.
That includes anyone who trusts the cops and who recognizes with gratitude the man-made miracle the NYPD has achieved over the last 20 years. If you are one of those people, you are now a political orphan, without representation in City Hall.

Pick a target, personalize it, attack it.  Balkanize the populace.  Post-America's largest city is ruled over by a revolutionary socialist.

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