Saturday, October 4, 2014

Islamic State: now within artillery range of Baghdad International Airport

It's taken complete control of the city of, and sprawling military base at, Abu Ghraib.

The West is losing the war for its survival.


  1. The west is not in any war for its survival anywhere but in your head.

  2. I take you back to the portion of Biden's rambling, weird speech yesterday that I quoted in the ebola post, the portion where he speaks of the post-WWII international order "literally fraying at the seams."

    Or the NYT story today about Russia being behind the cyberatttack on JP Morgan.

    Then there are the US and British citizens who have lost their heads in recent weeks.

    Then there are the Qurans and prayer rugs being found at our southern border.

    Then there is Secretary Global-Test's preoccupation with "climate change" while all this is going on.

    No, the war is quite real and happening on several fronts.
