Thursday, October 2, 2014

How's this for skewed priorities?

The Most Equal Comrade and Secretary Global-Test are so eager for a final agreement with Iran that it has basically gutted the very raison d'ĂȘtre for the the damn talks that have been going on.  And on. And on.

How desperate are they?  This desperate:

Two weeks ago, the United States floated a proposal to let Iran keep all of its 19,000 centrifuge machines, which Tehran is using to enrich uranium to reactor grade as long as all but 1,500 are “disconnected” and cease enriching uranium. This proposal alarmed many experts because Iran could quickly begin enriching uranium to weapons grade by reconnecting all of its centrifuges.
As generous as this offer was, it apparently did not go far enough for Tehran. The Associated Press reported on September 25 that U.S. diplomats have proposed letting Iran operate up to 4,500 centrifuges if its stockpile of enriched uranium gas is converted to uranium “powder.” This proposal rests on the assumption that such an arrangement would give the international community plenty of time to react to an Iranian “dash” toward constructing a nuclear weapon because it would take over a year for Iran to re-convert low-enriched powder into uranium gas for further enrichment to weapons-grade uranium.
The assumption behind this proposal is false. Both Amos Yadlin, former head of the Israeli Military Intelligence Directorate, and Mark Hibbs, a senior associate with the Carnegie Endowment and nuclear proliferation expert, agree that it would take Iran only about two weeks.

See? We get contempt and dismissal even when we puke all over ourselves to show what peaceniks we are.

It's the same deal with regard to the Arak reactor, which will produce plutonium upon completion:

Negotiators are now discussing ways to allow the completion of the Arak reactor with design or operational alterations so it produces little plutonium. Iran has been resisting any limitations on this reactor and will likely agree only to one easily reversible change — fueling it with low-enriched uranium.

There's also the matter of ballistic missiles, which the patty-cake team isn't even discussing.

So that's post-America's Iran stance.  Now, how about its Israel stance?

Mr. Obama in his meeting with Mr. Netanyahu kept the spotlight squarely on the settlements, raising objections to Israel’s recent approval of plans for 2,610 housing units on geographically sensitive land in East Jerusalem. If the construction advances, a White House press spokesman said after the meeting, it would not only impede peace talks but poison relations with the very Arab countries with whom Mr. Netanyahu said Israel now had a “commonality of interests” against the militants.
Obsessing over some residential construction in Israel's own capital city, while allowing Israel's mortal enemy to acquire the ability to annihilate it.

Oh, and, once again, the Most Equal Comrade didn't even invite Bibi to break bread after their conversation.

We are ruled over by overlords who hate the very civilization that spawned them.


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