Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The American Legion wasn't digging the Most Equal Comrade

Received with something less than adulation at the group's national convention in Charlotte:

After the customary introductions and thank-yous to dignitaries, Obama spoke for nearly eight full minutes on Tuesday without a single clap.
He touted his foreign policy bona fides, boasting that 'even countries that criticize us – when the chips are down and they need help, they know who to call. They call us. That's what American leadership looks like.'
'Sustaining our leadership, keeping America strong and secure, means we have to use our power wisely,' Obama cautioned, in keeping with his slow approach to battling ISIS and other terror groups overseas.
'History teaches us of the dangers of overreaching and spreading ourselves too thin, and trying to go it alone without international support, or rushing into military adventures without thinking through the consequences.'

'You know that we should never send America's sons and daughters into harm's way unless it is absolutely necessary and we have a plan and we are resourcing it and prepared to see it through.'Tepid clapping followed pregnant seconds of emptiness.'We removed more than 140,000 troops from Iraq and welcomed those troops home. It was the right thing to do.'Nothing. Obama couldn't muster sustained applause for a declaration that 'in just four months we will complete our combat mission in Afghanistan and America's longest war will come to a responsible end.'Not even when he paused to honor 'every American who served to make this progress possible, every single one, especially the more than 2,200 American patriots who made the ultimate sacrifice in Afghanistan to keep us safe.'

Apparently, the crowd did express some enthusiasm when he vowed to get to the bottom of the VA scandal.

Not exactly an SEIU-type bunch.

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